1. stum·ble(形容词): 无意识的;随意的;不稳定的。
例句:He made a stumble attempt at fixing the broken chair.(他随意修理那把坏椅子)。
1. stum·ble(名词): 绊倒;错误;失误。
例句:The athlete's stumble cost him the race.(那位运动员的失误让他输掉了比赛)。
1. stumble与trip:都表示因为绊倒而摔倒,但stumble更多用于意外绊倒,而trip更多指绊脚或脚步踉跄。
例句:She stumbled over a rock and tripped on the uneven pavement.(她在一块石头上绊了一下,然后在不平的人行道上绊倒了)。
1. stumble upon:偶然发现,意外遇到。
2. stumble across:偶然发现,偶然遇到。
3. stumble block:绊脚石,障碍。
4. stumblebum:笨蛋,无能。
1. trip
2. falter
3. blunder
1. stride
2. walk confidently
3. succeed
1. 绊倒;踉跄
2. 偶然发现;偶遇
3. 犯错误;失足
1. 绊倒;踉跄
2. 偶然发现;偶遇
3. 犯错误;失足
1. He stumbled and fell.(他绊了一下,摔倒了。)
2. I stumbled upon an interesting book in the library.(我在图书馆偶然发现了一本有趣的书。)
3. She stumbled over her words during the presentation.(她在演讲中说话结巴。)
- He stumbled and fell.(他绊了一下,摔倒了。)
- The child stumbled as he tried to walk on the uneven ground.(孩子试图在不平的地面上行走时踉跄了一下。)
- She stumbled over her words during the presentation.(她在演讲中说话结巴。)
- He stumbled upon a valuable antique in his attic.(他在阁楼上偶然发现了一件有价值的古董。)
- I stumbled across an old friend while shopping downtown.(我在市区购物时偶然遇到了一个老朋友。)
- The team's stumble in the first half cost them the game.(球队上半场的失误让他们输掉了比赛。)
- Her stumble in the interview may have cost her the job.(她在面试中的失误可能让她失去了这份工作。)
- The stumble block for the project was a lack of funding.(该项目的障碍是缺乏资金。)
- He's been a stumblebum ever since he lost his job.(自从失业以来,他一直是个笨蛋。)
- I can't believe I stumbled upon such a beautiful beach.(我简直不敢相信我偶然发现了这么美丽的海滩。)
- The hiker stumbled over a tree root and fell down the hill.(这位徒步旅行者在树根上绊了一下,然后滚下山坡。)
- She stumbled across an old photograph while cleaning out her grandmother's attic.(她在清理祖母的阁楼时偶然发现了一张旧照片。)
- His stumble during the race cost him the first place.(他在比赛中的失误让他失去了第一名的位置。)
- Don't let one stumble define your entire journey.(不要让一次失误决定你整个的旅程。)
- She stumbled upon a solution to the math problem while taking a shower.(她在洗澡时偶然找到了一个解决数学问题的方法。)
- The company's stumble in sales was due to poor marketing strategies.(公司销售的失误是由于糟糕的市场营销策略造成的。)
- He stumbled through the speech, forgetting his lines halfway.(他结结巴巴地演讲,中途忘词了。)
- She stumbled onto a hidden treasure while exploring the old castle.(她在探索古堡时偶然发现了一处隐藏的宝藏。)
- The politician's stumble during the debate cost him support from voters.(政治家在辩论中的失误让他失去了选民的支持。)
- He stumbled upon an interesting article while browsing the internet.(他在浏览互联网时偶然发现了一篇有趣的文章。)
- The team's stumble in the playoffs ended their chances of winning the championship.(球队在季后赛中的失误终结了他们赢得冠军的机会。)