形容词 1. 宽容的,容忍的 - He is known to be a tolerant and fair-minded boss. 他被认为是一个宽容和公正的老板。 - Our society should be more tolerant of diversity. 我们的社会应该对多样性更加宽容。 2. 耐药的,抗药的 - Some bacteria have become tolerant to antibiotics. 一些细菌已经对抗生素产生了耐药性。 名词 1. 宽容者,容忍者 - He is a great tolerant and forgives everyone's mistakes. 他是一个非常宽容的人,原谅每个人的错误。 2. 耐药者,抗药者 - Tolerants are those who do not respond to a particular treatment. 耐药者是指那些对特定治疗方法不起作用的人。词语辨析
- tolerant vs. intolerant: 宽容的 vs. 不宽容的 - She is tolerant and accepts people of all backgrounds. 她很宽容,接纳来自不同背景的人。 - He is intolerant and refuses to listen to different opinions. 他不宽容,拒绝听取不同的意见。词汇扩充
- tolerance: 宽容程度,容忍度 - We need to have a higher tolerance for diversity. 我们需要对多样性有更高的容忍度。 - intolerance: 不宽容,不耐受 - Intolerance towards others' beliefs can lead to conflicts. 对他人信仰的不宽容可能导致冲突。近义词
- patient: 耐心的,忍耐的 - broad-minded: 开明的,思想开放的 - lenient: 宽大的,宽容的反义词
- intolerant: 不宽容的,不耐受的 - impatient: 不耐烦的,急躁的柯林斯词典
- tolerant (adjective): If you say that someone is tolerant, you mean that they allow other people to say and do as they like, even if they do not agree or approve of it. - Example: She was tolerant of others' beliefs. 她对他人的信仰持宽容态度。牛津词典
- tolerant (adjective): Willing to accept behavior and beliefs that are different from your own, although you might not agree with or approve of them. - Example: We should be more tolerant of different cultures. 我们应该对不同的文化更加宽容。用法
- be tolerant of: 对...宽容 - be tolerant towards: 对...持宽容态度例句
- She is known for her tolerant attitude towards people from different backgrounds. 她以对来自不同背景的人持宽容态度而闻名。
- Our society needs to become more tolerant of diversity and embrace inclusivity. 我们的社会需要对多样性更加宽容,并拥抱包容性。
- He has a tolerant nature and rarely gets angry at others. 他的性格宽容,很少对别人发火。
- She is a tolerant boss who gives her employees the freedom to express their opinions. 她是一个宽容的老板,给予员工表达意见的自由。
- They are tolerant parents who allow their children to make their own choices. 他们是宽容的父母,允许孩子做出自己的选择。
- Some people are genetically tolerant to certain medications. 有些人在遗传上对某些药物有耐受性。
- Drug resistance occurs when bacteria become tolerant to antibiotics. 药物抗性发生在细菌对抗生素产生耐受性时。
- He is a tolerant teacher who encourages his students to explore different ideas. 他是一个宽容的老师,鼓励学生探索不同的想法。
- Intolerance towards others' beliefs can lead to conflicts and misunderstandings. 对他人信仰的不宽容可能导致冲突和误解。
- We need to have a higher tolerance for uncertainty in life. 我们需要在生活中对不确定性有更高的容忍度。
- She is a patient and tolerant listener who always lends an ear to others' problems. 她是一个有耐心和宽容的倾听者,总是倾听他人的问题。
- Being broad-minded allows us to embrace different perspectives and ideas. 思想开放使我们能够接纳不同的观点和想法。
- His lenient approach to discipline resulted in a lack of order in the classroom. 他宽容的纪律方式导致教室失去秩序。
- She is intolerant towards anyone who disagrees with her opinions. 她对任何不同意她观点的人都不宽容。
- I can't wait any longer. I'm getting impatient. 我等不及了,我变得不耐烦了。
- The society should not be tolerant of hate speech and discrimination. 社会不应对仇恨言论和歧视持宽容态度。
- He showed great tolerance in dealing with difficult customers. 他在应对困难的顾客时表现出了极大的宽容。
- She is known for her tolerant and fair approach to conflicts. 她以处理冲突时的宽容和公正而闻名。
- They are intolerant of any form of injustice. 他们对任何形式的不公正都不容忍。
- His tolerant nature allows him to easily adapt to new situations. 他宽容的性格使他能够轻松适应新的环境。
- Our society should strive to be more tolerant and accepting of diversity. 我们的社会应该努力更加宽容和接纳多样性。