形容词:exerts 是 exert 的第三人称单数形式,表示施加、运用或发挥力量、影响或压力。
名词:exerts 作为名词时,指的是施加力量或影响的人或事物。
exerts 和其它词语的辨析:
- exerts vs applies: exerts 表示施加力量、影响或压力,而 applies 更常用于施加或运用某物。
- exerts vs exercises: exerts 表示施加力量或影响,而 exercises 更常用于指体育锻炼或进行某种特定活动。
exerts 的衍生词汇:
- exertion: 名词,表示施加、运用或发挥力量、影响或压力
- exertive: 形容词,表示施加力量或影响的
exerts 的近义词:
- applies
- employs
- wields
exerts 的反义词:
- releases
- relaxes
exerts (exert的第三人称单数)
1. If someone or something exerts influence, authority, or pressure, they use it in a strong or determined way.
2. If someone or something exerts a particular force or influence, they have it or cause it to have an effect.
exerts (exert的第三人称单数)
1. Apply or bring to bear (a force, influence, or quality).
2. Make a physical or mental effort.
exerts 作为动词时的用法:
- exerts force/pressure/influence: 施加力量/压力/影响
- exerts control/authority: 施加控制/权威
- exerts effort: 努力/运用力量
- He exerts a lot of influence over his colleagues. (他对同事们施加了很大的影响力。)
- The company exerts pressure on its employees to meet targets. (公司向员工施加压力以完成目标。)
- She exerts control over every aspect of the project. (她对项目的每个方面都施加控制。)
- The team exerts a powerful force on the field. (这个团队在场上施加着强大的力量。)
- He exerts effort to improve his skills. (他努力提高自己的技能。)
- The new government exerts authority over the entire country. (新政府对整个国家施加权威。)
- She exerts a calming influence on the team. (她对团队产生了一种镇定的影响。)
- He exerts his willpower to overcome challenges. (他运用意志力克服挑战。)
- The weightlifter exerts tremendous strength to lift heavy weights. (举重运动员发挥了巨大的力量来举起重物。)
- She exerts her leadership skills to motivate her team. (她发挥领导才能以激励团队。)
- The coach exerts pressure on the players to perform well. (教练对球员施加压力以表现出色。)
- He exerts his influence to get the project approved. (他施加影响力以获得项目的批准。)
- The CEO exerts control over the company's decision-making process. (首席执行官对公司的决策过程施加控制。)
- The teacher exerts authority in the classroom. (老师在教室里行使权威。)
- He exerts constant effort to achieve his goals. (他不断努力以实现自己的目标。)
- The singer exerts a magnetic charm on the audience. (歌手对观众产生了磁性的魅力。)
- The politician exerts influence through his speeches. (政治家通过演讲施加影响力。)
- She exerts mental focus to solve complex problems. (她集中精力解决复杂问题。)
- The coach exerts pressure on the team to win the championship. (教练对团队施加压力以赢得冠军。)
- The leader exerts his authority to maintain discipline. (领导人行使权威以保持纪律。)
- He exerts effort to build strong relationships with his colleagues. (他努力与同事建立良好的关系。)