1. 名词
flip- 中文翻译:翻转
- 解释:轻快的翻转动作
- 中文翻译:硬币正反面
- 解释:硬币正反两面
- 中文翻译:快速翻动
- 解释:迅速翻动的动作
- 中文翻译:轻抛
- 解释:轻轻抛起或投掷
2. 形容词
flip- 中文翻译:轻巧的
- 解释:轻快灵活的
- 中文翻译:轻率的
- 解释:轻浮或不认真的
- 中文翻译:翻转的
- 解释:被翻转的
3. 词语辨析
flip vs. toss- flip强调动作是轻快而有力的
- toss指抛掷或投掷,没有强调动作的快速性
- flip强调动作是快速和轻巧的
- turn over指翻转或翻倒,没有强调动作的快速性
4. 词汇扩充
- flip-flop:中文翻译:夹趾拖鞋;解释:一种没有后帮的便鞋
- flipbook:中文翻译:翻页动画册;解释:一本连续的、被快速翻动以形成动画的小册子
- flipping:中文翻译:翻转;解释:动词flip的现在分词形式,意为翻转或迅速翻动
5. 近义词
- turn:中文翻译:转动
- toss:中文翻译:抛掷
- rotate:中文翻译:旋转
6. 反义词
- still:中文翻译:静止的
- steady:中文翻译:稳定的
- motionless:中文翻译:不动的
7. 柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
- 英 [flɪp]
- 名词
- (轻快的)翻转
- (硬币的)正反面
- 迅速翻动或抛掷
- 动词
- 用指轻弹
- 迅速翻动或抛掷
- 轻轻拨弄
- 形容词
- 轻巧的
- 不认真的
8. 牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
- 英 /flɪp/ 美 /flɪp/
- 名词
- 翻转
- (硬币的)正反面
- 轻快的翻动
- 动词
- 轻弹
- 迅速翻动
- 轻拨
- 迅速改变
- 形容词
- 轻巧的
- 轻率的
9. 用法
1. 名词用法:
- He did a flip on his skateboard. (他在滑板上做了一个翻转。)
- The coin landed on heads when I flipped it. (当我把硬币抛起时,它的正面朝上。)
2. 动词用法:
- She flipped the pancake and it landed perfectly in the pan. (她把煎饼翻转,它完美地掉进了锅里。)
- He flipped through the magazine, not really reading anything. (他翻阅着杂志,没有真正读任何东西。)
3. 形容词用法:
- She has a flip hairstyle that suits her well. (她有一个非常适合她的短发发型。)
- He made a flip comment about her appearance. (他对她的外貌发表了一个轻率的评论。)
10. 相关例句
- He did a flip on the trampoline and landed on his feet. (他在蹦床上做了个翻跟头,落在了脚上。)
- She gave the pancake a flip and it landed back in the pan. (她翻了一下煎饼,它又掉回了锅里。)
- The coin landed on tails when I flipped it. (当我把硬币抛起时,它的反面朝上。)
- He used his thumb to flip the light switch. (他用拇指轻弹开关。)
- I flipped through the pages of the book, looking for a specific passage. (我翻阅着书页,寻找特定的一段。)
- She flipped the hair out of her face and smiled. (她把头发从脸上拨到后面,微笑着。)
- He made a flip comment about her new haircut. (他对她的新发型发表了一个轻率的评论。)
- She did a flip on the balance beam during her gymnastics routine. (在她的体操表演中,她在平衡木上做了一个翻跟头。)
- He flipped the coin in the air and caught it with his other hand. (他把硬币抛到空中,用另一只手接住了它。)
- I flipped the omelette in the pan and cooked the other side. (我把煎蛋卷在锅里翻个面煮熟。)
- She flipped the light switch and the room was suddenly bright. (她按下开关,房间突然亮了起来。)
- He gave the car keys a flip and caught them with a smile. (他轻巧地把车钥匙抛起来,微笑着接住了它们。)
- She flipped the burger on the grill and waited for it to cook. (她把汉堡放在烧烤架上翻转,等待着它煮熟。)
- The coin landed on heads when she flipped it. (当她把硬币抛起时,它的正面朝上。)
- He flipped open his phone and dialed a number. (他打开手机,拨了一个号码。)
- I flipped the pages of the book, searching for the chapter I needed. (我翻阅着书页,寻找我需要的章节。)
- She gave her hair a flip and walked confidently into the room. (她扬了扬头发,自信地走进房间。)
- He made a flip remark about her cooking skills. (他对她的烹饪技巧发表了一个轻率的评论。)
- The gymnast performed a series of flips on the balance beam. (体操运动员在平衡木上进行了一系列的翻跟头动作。)
- He flipped the coin high in the air and caught it with a flourish. (他把硬币高高抛起,优雅地接住了它。)