1. 名词
- outwit [C] (v.)
- 词性:动词
- 解释:通过智力或巧妙的手段战胜或超过某人
2. 形容词
- outwitted [ADJ]
- 词性:形容词
- 解释:被智商或巧妙的手段战胜或超过的
3. 同义词
- outsmart
- outmaneuver
- defeat through cunning
4. 反义词
- be outwitted
- be outsmarted
- be defeated through cunning
5. 词语辨析
outwit 强调通过智力或巧妙的手段取胜,通常指通过思考、计划和策略来战胜某人。
outsmart 强调通过聪明和机智来战胜对手,通常指比对手更聪明地解决问题或取得胜利。
outmaneuver 强调通过巧妙地规避或回避对手的行动来取胜,通常指在策略上比对手更出色。
6. 词汇扩充
- outwitting [V]:动词的现在分词
- outwits [V]:动词的第三人称单数形式
- outwitted [V]:动词的过去式和过去分词
7. 柯林斯词典解释
outwit (动词):如果你outwit某人,特别是在一项活动或竞赛中,你通过比他们更聪明或更机智的方法取胜。
8. 牛津词典解释
outwit (动词):通过聪明地想出一些计策或方法来超过或欺骗某人。
9. 用法
- She managed to outwit her opponents and win the game. (她设法智胜对手并赢得了比赛。)
- The detective's clever strategy allowed him to outwit the criminals. (这位侦探聪明的策略使他能够智胜犯罪分子。)
10. 相关例句
- He used his intelligence to outwit his competitors. (他利用聪明才智智胜了竞争对手。)
- She always manages to outwit me in our debates. (在我们的辩论中,她总是设法智胜我。)
- The cunning fox was able to outwit the hunters and escape. (狡猾的狐狸能够智胜猎人并逃脱。)
- He tried to outwit his opponent by using a clever strategy. (他试图通过使用聪明的策略来智胜对手。)
- The cat's quick thinking helped it outwit the mouse. (猫的机智帮助它智胜了老鼠。)
- She used her charm and wit to outwit her rivals and secure the promotion. (她利用自己的魅力和机智来智胜竞争对手并获得晋升。)
- Despite being outnumbered, the guerrilla fighters managed to outwit the enemy troops. (尽管人数不足,游击队战士们设法智胜了敌军。)
- The chess grandmaster was able to outwit his opponent and claim victory. (这位国际象棋大师设法智胜对手并取得了胜利。)
- The detective's clever tactics allowed him to outwit the criminal mastermind. (这名侦探聪明的战术使他能够智胜犯罪头脑。)
- He was determined to outwit his rival and prove himself the better candidate. (他决心智胜对手,证明自己是更好的候选人。)
- She used her knowledge of the market to outwit her competitors and secure the business deal. (她利用自己对市场的了解智胜了竞争对手并达成了商业交易。)
- The clever magician was able to outwit the audience and keep them guessing. (聪明的魔术师能够智胜观众并让他们猜测。)
- With a clever disguise, he was able to outwit the guards and gain access to the restricted area. (通过巧妙的伪装,他能够智胜守卫并进入受限区域。)
- The con artist used his charm to outwit unsuspecting victims and steal their money. (这名骗子利用自己的魅力智胜了毫无戒备的受害者并偷走了他们的钱。)
- She relied on her quick thinking and wit to outwit her opponents in the debate. (在辩论中,她依靠自己的机智和才智智胜了对手。)
- The cunning spy was able to outwit the enemy agents and gather valuable information. (狡猾的间谍设法智胜了敌方特工并收集了宝贵的情报。)
- Despite their efforts, the team was unable to outwit their skilled opponents. (尽管努力,但这支球队无法智胜技高一筹的对手。)
- The master thief was able to outwit the security guards and steal the valuable diamond necklace. (这名高手偷窃犯能够智胜保安人员并偷走了价值连城的钻石项链。)
- The clever student used her knowledge to outwit her classmates and win the quiz competition. (聪明的学生利用自己的知识智胜了同学们并赢得了智力竞赛。)
- His quick reflexes and cunning tactics allowed him to outwit his opponent in the boxing match. (他的反应迅速和狡猾的战术使他在拳击比赛中智胜对手。)
- The clever inventor was able to outwit his competitors and secure a patent for his groundbreaking invention. (聪明的发明家能够智胜竞争对手并为他的划时代发明获得专利。)