1. 达到高峰的;最佳的2. 尖顶的;山峰状的
1. 达到高峰;最高点2. 尖顶;山峰
peaked (形容词):1. 高峰的;有顶峰的;2. 病弱的;憔悴的
peaks (名词复数):1. 山峰;高峰;2. 峰值;顶点
apex, climax, pinnacle, zenith
valley, trough
peaking (名词):the act or an instance of reaching a peak or climax
peaking (形容词):reaching a peak or climax
peaking (形容词):at the highest level of development or achievement; greatest or best
peaking (名词):the highest level or degree that something reaches
1. The stock market is peaking at the moment.
2. She reached her career peaking in her thirties.
3. The mountain peak was covered in snow.
4. After hours of hiking, they finally reached the peak.
- The demand for tickets is peaking ahead of the concert. (需求在音乐会前达到顶峰。)
- The athlete is peaking at just the right time to win the championship. (这位运动员在正确的时间达到巅峰,赢得了冠军。)
- The mountain peak was hidden behind the clouds. (山峰被云朵遮住了。)
- They reached the peak of the mountain just before sunset. (他们在日落前到达了山顶。)
- Her career is currently peaking and she has received multiple awards. (她的事业目前正处于巅峰,她获得了多个奖项。)
- The company's profits are at their peak this quarter. (公司的利润在本季度达到了顶峰。)
- The roller coaster reached its peak and then plummeted downwards. (过山车达到了最高点,然后向下急速下降。)
- The economy showed signs of peaking before the recession hit. (在经济衰退来临之前,经济显示出达到高峰的迹象。)
- He climbed to the peak of the mountain to enjoy the breathtaking view. (他爬到山顶欣赏壮丽的景色。)
- After years of hard work, she finally reached the peak of her profession. (经过多年的努力,她终于达到了职业的巅峰。)
- The team's performance is peaking at the right time for the playoffs. (球队的表现在季后赛开始前达到了巅峰。)
- He felt a sense of accomplishment when he reached the peak of the mountain. (当他到达山顶时,他感到了一种成就感。)
- The singer's popularity is peaking, with sold-out concerts across the country. (这位歌手的人气正处于巅峰,在全国范围内的演唱会都是售罄的。)
- The stock market is peaking and investors are optimistic about future gains. (股市正处于高峰期,投资者对未来的收益持乐观态度。)
- I love hiking and reaching the peak of a mountain is always a rewarding experience. (我喜欢徒步旅行,到达山顶总是一种有回报的体验。)
- The number of visitors to the national park is peaking during the summer months. (在夏季,国家公园的游客数量达到顶峰。)
- She is peaking physically and mentally, ready to take on any challenge. (她在身体和心理上都处于巅峰状态,准备迎接任何挑战。)
- His popularity as an actor is peaking, with his latest film topping the box office. (作为演员,他的人气正处于巅峰,他的最新电影在票房上名列前茅。)
- The company's profits have been steadily peaking over the past few years. (公司的利润在过去几年稳步攀升。)
- The sun was just peaking over the horizon, casting a golden glow on the landscape. (太阳刚刚从地平线上升起,给景色披上了一层金色的光辉。)