1. 有杂色的;斑驳的
- The mottled leaves of the plant provide camouflage in the forest. (这种植物的斑驳叶子在森林中提供了伪装。)
- Her mottled skin indicated a rash. (她的皮肤斑驳,表明有皮疹。)
2. 混合的;杂色的
- The mottled fabric was made from various scraps. (这种杂色织物是由各种碎片制成的。)
- The painting depicted a mottled sky at sunset. (这幅画描绘了夕阳下的斑驳天空。)
1. 斑纹;杂色
- The bird's feathers had a beautiful mottled pattern. (这只鸟的羽毛有一个美丽的斑纹图案。)
- The mottled appearance of the stone made it unique. (这块石头的斑纹外观使其独一无二。)
2. 鱼苗;婴儿
- The mottled fish were released into the river to increase the population. (鱼苗被释放到河里,以增加种群数量。)
- The doctor examined the mottled infant and gave a clean bill of health. (医生检查了那个婴儿,并给予了健康证明。)
mottled, spotted, speckled, variegated
- mottled 通常指有不规则、不连续的斑纹或杂色,形容对象的整体外观。
- spotted 通常指表面有均匀、规律的斑点,形容点状分布的斑点。
- speckled 通常指表面有小而离散的斑点,形容点状分布的斑点。
- variegated 通常指表面有不同颜色或元素形成的杂色图案。
1. mottled skin(斑驳的皮肤)
2. mottled pattern(斑驳的图案)
3. mottled fabric(杂色织物)
4. mottled feathers(斑纹羽毛)
5. mottled appearance(斑纹外观)
dappled, marbled, blotched, streaked
unblemished, unspotted, even-toned
mottled (adjective)
1. If someone has mottled skin, their skin is not all the same colour but has patches of different colours on it.
2. Something that is mottled has patches of different colours on it.
mottled (adjective)
1. Marked with spots or smears of colour.
2. Having a pattern of spots or patches of colour.
1. His mottled skin revealed the effects of sun damage. (形容词用法)
2. The artist used a mottled technique to create depth in the painting. (形容词用法)
3. The mottled appearance of the fabric made it unique. (形容词用法)
4. The bird's feathers had a beautiful mottled pattern. (名词用法)
5. The mottled fish were released into the lake to replenish the population. (名词用法)
- The mottled leaves of the plant provide camouflage in the forest. (这种植物的斑驳叶子在森林中提供了伪装。)
- Her mottled skin indicated a rash. (她的皮肤斑驳,表明有皮疹。)
- The mottled fabric was made from various scraps. (这种杂色织物是由各种碎片制成的。)
- The painting depicted a mottled sky at sunset. (这幅画描绘了夕阳下的斑驳天空。)
- The bird's feathers had a beautiful mottled pattern. (这只鸟的羽毛有一个美丽的斑纹图案。)
- The mottled appearance of the stone made it unique. (这块石头的斑纹外观使其独一无二。)
- The mottled fish were released into the river to increase the population. (鱼苗被释放到河里,以增加种群数量。)
- The doctor examined the mottled infant and gave a clean bill of health. (医生检查了那个婴儿,并给予了健康证明。)
- The horse had a mottled coat with patches of different colors. (这匹马有一副有着不同颜色斑块的杂色皮毛。)
- The artist used a mottled technique to create texture in the painting. (艺术家使用了斑驳的技巧在画中创造纹理。)
- The mottled sky signaled an approaching storm. (斑驳的天空预示着一场即将来临的暴风雨。)
- The mottled appearance of the old building added to its charm. (这座古老建筑的斑驳外观增添了它的魅力。)
- She wore a mottled scarf to keep warm in the cold weather. (她戴着一条杂色围巾来御寒。)
- The mottled plumage of the bird helped it blend into its natural surroundings. (这只鸟的斑驳羽毛帮助它融入了自然环境。)
- The mottled skin of the reptile provided effective camouflage in the forest. (这种爬行动物的斑纹皮肤在森林中提供了有效的伪装。)
- He noticed a mottled pattern on the butterfly's wings. (他注意到蝴蝶翅膀上有一个斑驳的图案。)
- The mottled appearance of the stone made it look like a work of art. (这块石头的斑纹外观使其看起来像一件艺术品。)
- The mottled fish in the aquarium swam gracefully. (水族馆里的斑驳鱼游得优雅。)
- She admired the mottled sky as the sun set. (太阳下山时,她欣赏着那斑驳的天空。)
- The mottled colors of the flowers brightened up the garden. (花朵的斑驳颜色让花园变得更加明亮。)
- The mottled design of the carpet added visual interest to the room. (地毯的斑驳设计使房间更具视觉吸引力。)