1. 方法,办法 - Collins: A method is a particular way of doing something. - Oxford: A method is a particular way of doing something.形容词
1. 方法的 - Collins: If you describe a person or their behaviour as methodical, you are critical of them because they do things carefully, thoroughly, and in order. - Oxford: Methodical means done according to a systematic or established form of procedure.词语辨析
method, technique, approach - Method: A particular way of doing something. - Technique: A way of carrying out a particular task, especially the execution or performance of an artistic work or a scientific procedure. - Approach: A way of dealing with a situation or problem.Method
- Collins: She uses traditional methods of cooking. - Oxford: The method of calculation is explained in the textbook.Technique
- Collins: The artist has developed a unique painting technique. - Oxford: The surgeon demonstrated the proper surgical techniques.Approach
- Collins: We need to take a different approach to solve this problem. - Oxford: The company has adopted a new approach to marketing.词汇扩充
- 方法学 (Methodology) - 方法论 (Methodology) - 教学方法 (Teaching methods) - 科学方法 (Scientific methods) - 研究方法 (Research methods)近义词
- Technique - Procedure - System - Strategy - Tactic反义词
- Disorder - Chaos - Randomness柯林斯词典
- method (noun): A method is a particular way of doing something. - methodical (adjective): Someone who is methodical does things carefully, thoroughly, and in order. - methodology (noun): Methodology is the study or use of methods.牛津词典
- method (noun): A particular form of procedure for accomplishing or approaching something, especially a systematic or established one. - methodical (adjective): Done according to a systematic or established form of procedure. - methodology (noun): A system of methods used in a particular area of study or activity.用法
- They used different methods to solve the problem. - She is known for her methodical approach to work. - The methodology used in the research was sound.例句
- He employed various methods to improve his language skills.
- 他采用了各种方法来提高他的语言技能。
- The detective employed his investigative methods to solve the crime.
- 侦探运用他的调查方法来解决这起犯罪案件。
- She is known for her methodical approach to problem-solving.
- 她以其方法的解决问题的方式而闻名。
- The scientist conducted experiments using a methodical and precise technique.
- 科学家运用方法的和精确的技术进行实验。
- The methodology employed in the study was rigorous and comprehensive.
- 研究中采用的方法论严谨而全面。
- The professor taught us different teaching methods to engage students in the learning process.
- 教授教给我们不同的教学方法,以使学生参与到学习过程中。
- The company has adopted a new approach to marketing its products.
- 该公司采用了一种新的方法来推销其产品。
- We need to find a new strategy to address this issue.
- 我们需要找到一个新的策略来解决这个问题。
- His technique in playing the piano is flawless.
- 他弹奏钢琴的技巧是完美无缺的。
- The surgeon demonstrated the proper surgical procedures to the medical students.
- 外科医生向医学生演示了正确的外科程序。