形容词 (Adjective)
- follows [fɒloʊz]:接下来的,下述的
- follows [ˈfɑː.loʊz]:符合的,逻辑上的
- follows [ˈfɒloʊz]:后来的,随后的
follows 和next 都表示顺序中的下一个,但follows 更强调逻辑上的连接。
形容词follows 可以转化为名词follower,表示追随者。
名词 (Noun)
- follows [ˈfɒloʊz]:下文,下述,后续
名词follows 可以用于文章中引导下一个观点或论点的起始位置。
- follows closely:紧随其后
- follows naturally:自然而然
- follows suit:跟着做同样的事
- follows a pattern:按照一定的模式
- follows instructions:遵循指示
- conform
- ensue
- result
- succeed
- trail
- precede
- lead
- guide
follows (verb): If one event or period of time follows another, it happens or comes after it. (如果一个事件或时间段跟在另一个后面,它发生或出现在它之后。)
follows (verb): Come after in time or order. (按时间或顺序来说是在之后。)
follows 作为动词,通常用于表示一个事件、行动或时间紧随在另一个之后的情况。作为名词,它用于引导下一个观点或论点。
- As follows: A, B, C (如下所示:A, B, C)
- Please follow the instructions carefully. (请仔细遵循指示。)
- Her success followed years of hard work. (她的成功是多年的努力的结果。)
- The book discusses various theories, and the chapter that follows explores a new perspective. (这本书讨论了各种理论,接下来的章节探讨了一个新的观点。)
- After the storm, a period of calm followed. (风暴过后,出现了一段平静的时期。)
- The meeting will follow the usual agenda. (会议将按照常规议程进行。)
- The film's opening scene is captivating, and what follows is equally impressive. (电影的开场场景引人入胜,接下来的情节同样令人印象深刻。)
- He always follows his instincts. (他总是听从自己的直觉。)
- His actions did not follow his words. (他的行动与他的言论不符。)
- The police car followed the suspect's vehicle. (警车紧随嫌疑人的车辆。)
- She followed suit and ordered the same dish. (她效仿并点了同样的菜。)
- The team's victory was followed closely by celebrations. (团队的胜利紧随其后,接着是庆祝活动。)
- He didn't follow the rules of the game. (他没有遵守游戏规则。)
- After the announcement, a period of uncertainty followed. (宣布后,出现了一段不确定的时期。)
- She followed her dreams and became a successful artist. (她追随她的梦想,成为一名成功的艺术家。)
- The data follows a pattern that indicates a trend. (数据遵循一种显示趋势的模式。)
- He was followed by a group of enthusiastic fans. (他被一群热情的粉丝追随。)
- A period of reflection naturally follows a major life event. (在重大的人生事件之后,自然而然会有一段反思的时间。)
- After her retirement, a sense of purposelessness followed. (退休后,一种无所事事的感觉随之而来。)
- His success followed naturally from his dedication and hard work. (他的成功是他的奉献和努力的自然结果。)
- They followed their leader's advice and achieved their goals. (他们听从了领导的建议,实现了自己的目标。)
- The company's profits followed a downward trend. (公司的利润呈下降趋势。)