1. 被禁止的
prohibited, forbidden, outlawed
allowed, permitted, authorized
1. 禁令
prohibition, restriction, ban, embargo
banned:If something is banned, it has been stated officially that it must not be done, shown, or used.
banned:Officially or legally prohibit (something).
1. 被禁止的书籍
(英)a banned book
2. 禁止吸烟
(英)a smoking ban
3. 许多国家都禁止了毒品的买卖和使用。
Many countries have banned the sale and use of drugs.
4. 这本小说被禁止在该国出版。
The novel is banned from publication in that country.
5. 她被禁止参加比赛。
She was banned from the competition.
- Smoking is banned in all public buildings. 各公共建筑禁止吸烟。
- Several countries have banned the use of plastic bags. 几个国家已经禁止使用塑料袋。
- The book was banned by the government for its controversial content. 这本书因其争议性内容被政府禁止。
- The film was banned in several countries due to its explicit scenes. 由于电影中有露骨的场景,该片在几个国家被禁。
- The teacher banned cellphones in the classroom to avoid distractions. 为了避免分心,老师禁止在教室使用手机。
- The controversial play was banned by the authorities. 这部备受争议的戏剧被当局禁演。
- The athlete was banned from competing for two years due to doping allegations. 这位运动员因涉嫌兴奋剂被禁止参赛两年。
- This chemical has been banned in many countries due to its harmful effects on the environment. 由于对环境有害,这种化学物质已在许多国家被禁。
- The government imposed a ban on the export of certain goods. 政府对某些商品实施了出口禁令。
- The ban on fireworks is enforced during the dry season to prevent wildfires. 在旱季期间,为了防止野火,烟花爆竹被禁止使用。
- He was banned from driving for six months after being caught drunk driving. 他因酒后驾驶被禁止开车六个月。
- The ban on single-use plastics aims to reduce environmental pollution. 一次性塑料制品的禁令旨在减少环境污染。
- She was banned from entering the casino due to her age. 她因年龄未满被禁止进入赌场。
- Some countries have a ban on certain breeds of dogs. 有些国家对某些品种的狗实行禁令。
- The ban on smoking in public places has been widely supported by the public. 公共场所禁止吸烟的禁令得到了广大民众的支持。
- The ban was lifted after protests from the public. 在公众抗议之后,禁令被解除。
- The ban on hunting endangered animals is necessary for their conservation. 禁止猎杀濒危动物对于它们的保护是必要的。
- The ban was imposed to prevent the spread of the virus. 为了防止病毒传播,禁令被实施。
- He violated the ban on using cellphones during working hours. 他违反了工作时间使用手机的禁令。
- The ban on plastic straws has led to an increase in the use of paper alternatives. 禁止使用塑料吸管导致纸质替代品的使用增加。