tum (tʌm) noun
- 肿瘤
- 肿胀
tum (tʌm) adjective
- 吵闹的;骚乱的
- 肿瘤的;瘤的
tum (tʌm) noun
- 肿瘤
- 肿胀
tum (tʌm) adjective
- 吵闹的;骚乱的
- 肿瘤的;瘤的
1. She was diagnosed with a tumor in her lung. (她被诊断出患有肺部肿瘤。)
2. The tumescence of his face indicated an allergic reaction. (他脸部的肿胀表明他有过敏反应。)
3. The tumult in the stadium grew louder as the match reached its climax. (随着比赛进入高潮,体育场内的喧闹声变得更加响亮。)
4. The ancient burial site was marked by a large tumulus. (古代的埋葬地点以一个巨大的土墩标示。)
1. The doctor discovered a tumor in her brain during the examination. (医生在检查中发现了她脑部的肿瘤。)
2. His tumultuous behavior disrupted the class. (他骚乱的行为打乱了课堂秩序。)
3. The tumescence of her ankle indicated a sprain. (她脚踝的肿胀表明扭伤了。)
4. The tumoral growth was successfully removed during the surgery. (手术中成功切除了肿瘤性生长。)
5. The tumult of the crowd made it difficult to hear the speaker. (人群的喧闹声让人难以听清演讲者的讲话。)
6. The archaeologists discovered several ancient tumuli in the area. (考古学家们在该地区发现了几个古代的土墩。)
7. The tumescent fruit was ripe and ready to be picked. (肿胀的水果已经成熟,可以采摘了。)
8. The tumor was found to be malignant after further tests. (进一步检查发现该肿瘤是恶性的。)
9. The tumultuousness of the protest led to clashes with the police. (抗议活动的骚乱导致了与警察的冲突。)
10. He felt a tumid sensation in his finger after being stung by a bee. (被蜜蜂蜇伤后,他感到手指肿胀。)
11. The tumescence of the flowers indicated they were well-watered. (花朵的肿胀表明它们得到了充足的水分。)
12. The tumult in the courtroom erupted when the verdict was announced. (当宣布判决结果时,法庭内爆发了骚动。)
13. The doctor performed surgery to remove the tumoral growth from the patient's neck. (医生进行手术,切除了病人颈部的肿瘤性生长。)
14. The tumulus was believed to be the burial site of an ancient king. (据信这个土墩是一个古代国王的埋葬地。)
15. Her ankle was tumescent after twisting it during the basketball game. (在篮球比赛中扭伤脚踝后,她的脚踝肿胀了。)
16. The tumor was detected early through regular screenings. (通过定期筛查,肿瘤被早期发现。)
17. The tumultuousness of the storm caused widespread damage. (风暴的骚乱导致了广泛的破坏。)
18. The tumid river overflowed its banks during the heavy rain. (暴雨期间,河水肿胀并泛滥了堤岸。)
19. The tumescent appearance of the fruit indicated it was ripe and juicy. (水果的肿胀外观表明它已经成熟多汁。)
20. The tumor was benign and did not require immediate treatment. (肿瘤是良性的,不需要立即治疗。)