1. 方言;地方语言:a regional variety of a language, especially one with a separate written form.
2. 术语;专门术语:a particular form of a language that is peculiar to a specific profession or subject.
3. 方言学;地方语言学:the study of dialects.
方言的;地方的:relating to or characteristic of dialects or dialect.
vernacular, language variety
standard language, official language
Dialects are forms of a language that are spoken only in one area, with words or grammar that are slightly different from other forms of the same language.
Dialects are a form of a language that is spoken in a particular area.
1. He spoke with a strong regional dialect. (他讲着一口浓重的地方方言。)
2. The medical profession has many specialized dialects. (医学界有许多专门的术语。)
3. The linguist specialized in the study of dialects. (这位语言学家专门研究方言学。)
1. She could understand the dialect of the region even though she didn't speak it. (尽管她不会说该地区的方言,但她能听懂。)
2. The villagers have their own unique dialect that is different from the standard language. (村民们有他们自己独特的方言,与标准语言不同。)
3. The book is written in a technical dialect that may be difficult for non-experts to understand. (这本书是用一种对非专业人士来说可能难以理解的技术术语写的。)
4. The dialectal differences between the two neighboring regions are fascinating to linguists. (两个相邻地区之间的方言差异令语言学家着迷。)
5. The philosopher's argument was highly dialectical in nature, presenting opposing viewpoints to stimulate discussion. (这位哲学家的论点具有高度辩证性,提出相反的观点以刺激讨论。)
6. The linguist was considered a leading dialectologist in the field of dialectology. (这位语言学家被认为是方言学领域的领军人物。)
7. The region has distinct subdialects within its larger dialects, reflecting the diversity of the area. (该地区的大方言内有明显的次方言,反映了该地区的多样性。)
8. Pidgin languages are simplified dialects that emerge as a means of communication between groups with different native languages. (洋泾浜话是简化的方言,用作不同母语群体之间的交流手段。)
9. The dialects of the southern region are quite different from those spoken in the north. (南方地区的方言与北方的方言有很大的不同。)
10. The use of dialect in literature can add authenticity and local flavor to a story. (在文学作品中使用方言可以增添真实感和地方特色。)
11. The professor's lecture on dialectology provided a comprehensive overview of the field. (教授关于方言学的讲座提供了该领域的全面概述。)
12. The dialects spoken in the mountainous regions are often influenced by the geographical isolation. (山区的方言通常受到地理隔离的影响。)
13. The linguist conducted field research to document the different dialects spoken in the area. (这位语言学家进行了现场研究,记录了该地区的不同方言。)
14. The dialect used by fishermen contains many words related to marine life. (渔民使用的方言中包含许多与海洋生物有关的词汇。)
15. The professor explained the dialectical approach to analyzing social phenomena. (教授解释了分析社会现象的辩证法方法。)
16. The villagers take pride in preserving their traditional dialect and passing it on to the younger generations. (村民们以保护传统方言并将其传给年轻一代为荣。)
17. The linguist's research focused on the dialectal variations within the region. (这位语言学家的研究重点是该地区内的方言变体。)
18. The dialectologist conducted interviews with native speakers to collect data for the study. (方言学家对本土讲者进行了访谈,为研究收集数据。)
19. The subdialects spoken in different villages within the region have their own unique features. (该地区不同村庄使用的次方言具有各自独特的特点。)
20. The pidgin language emerged as a result of trade and cultural exchange between different ethnic groups. (洋泾浜话是不同民族之间的贸易和文化交流的结果。)