1. walk-on
- She had a walk-on role in the new movie. 她在那部新电影中有一个客串角色。
- He played a walk-on part in the TV series. 他在那个电视剧里扮演一个客串角色。
1. walk-on
- The play is looking for walk-ons to fill some small roles. 这个舞台剧正在寻找一些能填补一些小角色的客串演员。
- He got his start as a walk-on in a local theater company. 他在一个当地剧团中担任客串演员起步。
1. walk-on role: 客串角色
2. small role: 小角色
3. cameo appearance: 嘉宾出演
4. guest appearance: 客串表演
5. supporting role: 配角
1. extra: 群众演员
2. bit part: 配角
3. cameo: 嘉宾出演
4. supporting actor/actress: 配角演员
1. leading role: 主演角色
2. starring role: 主角
1. walk-on (noun)
解释:a minor part in a film, play, etc, esp one that does not involve speaking
2. walk-on (adjective)
解释:denoting a minor part or actor
1. walk-on (noun)
解释:a minor or non-speaking part in a film or play
2. walk-on (adjective)
解释:denoting a minor or non-speaking part or actor
1. We need someone to play a walk-on role in our upcoming movie.
2. She made her acting debut with a walk-on part in a popular TV show.
3. The director decided to cast a local actor for the walk-on role.
4. He has had several walk-on roles in different theater productions.
5. The actress started her career as a walk-on in a Broadway play.
6. In the movie, the main character encounters various walk-on characters throughout the story.
7. The casting director is looking for walk-ons to fill the background of the scene.
8. The actor's walk-on appearance added a comedic touch to the play.
9. The walk-on actor delivered a powerful performance despite having no lines.
10. Many aspiring actors start their careers by taking walk-on roles in films and plays.
- She had a walk-on role in the new movie. 她在那部新电影中有一个客串角色。
- He played a walk-on part in the TV series. 他在那个电视剧里扮演一个客串角色。
- The play is looking for walk-ons to fill some small roles. 这个舞台剧正在寻找一些能填补一些小角色的客串演员。
- He got his start as a walk-on in a local theater company. 他在一个当地剧团中担任客串演员起步。
- We need someone to play a walk-on role in our upcoming movie. 我们需要有人来扮演即将上映的电影中的一个客串角色。
- She made her acting debut with a walk-on part in a popular TV show. 她通过在一档热门电视节目中的一个临时角色进行了她的演艺首秀。
- The director decided to cast a local actor for the walk-on role. 导演决定为客串角色选择一位本地演员。
- He has had several walk-on roles in different theater productions. 他在不同的戏剧制作中扮演过几个客串角色。
- The actress started her career as a walk-on in a Broadway play. 这位女演员在百老汇剧团的一次客串演出中开始了她的演艺生涯。
- In the movie, the main character encounters various walk-on characters throughout the story. 在电影中,主角在整个故事中遇到了各种客串角色。
- The casting director is looking for walk-ons to fill the background of the scene. 剧组的选角导演正在寻找能填补场景背景的群众演员。
- The actor's walk-on appearance added a comedic touch to the play. 演员的临时登场为这出戏增添了一丝喜剧色彩。
- The walk-on actor delivered a powerful performance despite having no lines. 尽管没有台词,这位临时演员表演得非常出色。
- Many aspiring actors start their careers by taking walk-on roles in films and plays. 许多有抱负的演员通过在电影和戏剧中担任临时角色来开始他们的演艺事业。
- He had a walk-on part as a waiter in the restaurant scene. 他在餐厅场景中担任一个服务员的临时角色。
- The walk-on actress impressed the audience with her expressive gestures. 这位临时女演员以她富有表现力的手势给观众留下了深刻的印象。
- She was thrilled to be offered a walk-on role in the famous director's new movie. 她非常高兴地接到了这位著名导演新电影的一个客串角色的邀请。
- During the play, a walk-on actor accidentally tripped and caused a moment of laughter among the audience. 在剧中,一位临时演员不小心摔倒,引起了观众们的一阵笑声。
- The walk-on role required the actor to wear a specific costume and perform a brief dance routine. 这个客串角色要求演员穿着特定的服装,并进行一个简短的舞蹈表演。
- The walk-on actress had the opportunity to work alongside famous actors in the film. 这位临时女演员有机会与电影中的著名演员共同合作。
- He started his acting career with a walk-on part in a local theater production. 他通过在当地一部戏剧制作中的一个客串角色开始了他的演艺生涯。