1. wali: 守护者;保护者;朋友;亲戚2. governor: 统治者;省长;州长;总督
3. guardian: 监护人;保护者;守护者;监护神
4. protector: 保护者;守护者;护法;护符
1. holy: 神圣的;圣洁的;虔诚的2. saintly: 圣洁的;神圣的;道德高尚的
3. pious: 虔诚的;圣洁的;敬神的
wali与governor的区别:wali指的是守护者、保护者或亲戚,而governor则指的是统治者、省长或州长。 wali与guardian的区别:wali强调守护者、保护者的角色,而guardian则更强调监护人的义务和责任。 wali与protector的区别:wali强调守护者的角色,而protector强调保护者的职责和行动。词汇扩充
1. faithful: 忠诚的;忠实的;可信赖的2. devotee: 信徒;狂热爱好者;追随者
3. custodian: 管理员;保管人;监护人
4. patron: 赞助人;顾客;保护人
wali, guardian, protector, custodian, patron反义词
enemy, foe柯林斯词典
wali:(noun) In parts of the Muslim world, a wali is a holy person who is believed to have a special relationship with God and who is therefore able to work miracles. (名词) 在穆斯林世界的某些地区,wali是一个被认为与上帝有特殊关系、能行奇迹的圣人。
wali:(noun) An Arabic term meaning "saint" or "friend of God." (名词) 一个阿拉伯语词汇,意思是“圣人”或“上帝的朋友”。
- The wali of the village was highly respected by the people. (这个村庄的守护者在人们中间备受尊敬。)
- She acted as a wali to her younger brother after their parents passed away. (在父母去世后,她担任着弟弟的监护人。)
- The governor issued a statement regarding the new policies. (省长就新政策发布了一份声明。)
- The guardian of the child ensured their safety at all times. (这个孩子的监护人始终确保他们的安全。)
- The protector of the ancient artifact kept it safe from harm. (这件古代文物的保护者将其安全地保护起来。)
- He had a holy aura about him, as if he was a wali. (他身上有一种神圣的气息,仿佛他是一个守护者。)
- She lived a saintly life, devoted to serving others. (她过着圣洁的生活,全心全意地为他人服务。)
- The pious man went to the mosque every day to pray. (这个虔诚的人每天都去清真寺祈祷。)
- The wali of the village was known for his wisdom and guidance. (这个村庄的守护者以他的智慧和引导而闻名。)
- The governor announced new measures to improve the economy. (省长宣布了新的措施来改善经济。)
- As a guardian, it is my responsibility to protect the well-being of my child. (作为一个监护人,保护孩子的幸福是我的责任。)
- The protector of the forest ensured that no harm came to its inhabitants. (森林的守护者确保居民不受伤害。)
- He was known for his holy miracles and was revered as a wali. (他以他的神圣奇迹而闻名,被尊为守护者。)
- She dedicated her life to helping others and was seen as a saintly figure. (她将自己的一生奉献给帮助他人,并被视为一个圣洁的人物。)
- The pious man prayed five times a day as a sign of his devotion. (这个虔诚的人每天祈祷五次,以示他的奉献。)
- The wali of the mosque welcomed visitors and answered their questions. (清真寺的守护者欢迎游客并回答他们的问题。)
- The governor addressed the concerns of the citizens in his speech. (省长在讲话中解决了公民的关切。)
- She acted as a guardian to her younger siblings while their parents were away. (在父母离开期间,她作为弟弟妹妹的监护人。)
- The protector of the city ensured the safety of its residents during the crisis. (这个城市的保护者确保在危机期间居民的安全。)
- He was known for his piety and devotion to his religious beliefs. (他以虔诚和对宗教信仰的奉献而闻名。)
- The wali of the shrine blessed the pilgrims who came to seek his guidance. (神庙的守护者祝福那些前来寻求他指引的朝圣者。)
- The governor visited the schools in the region to assess their conditions. (省长参观了该地区的学校,以评估其状况。)
- She took on the role of a guardian for her younger cousins after their parents' death. (在父母去世后,她承担起表弟妹的监护人角色。)
- The protector of the ancient artifact ensured its preservation for future generations. (这件古代文物的保护者确保了它为后代的保存。)
- He led a pious life, following the teachings of his religion. (他过着虔诚的生活,遵循他宗教的教义。)
- The wali of the tribe made important decisions for the community. (这个部落的守护者为社区做出重要决策。)
- The governor addressed the concerns of the citizens in his speech. (省长在讲话中解决了公民的关切。)
- She acted as a guardian to her younger siblings while their parents were away. (在父母离开期间,她作为弟弟妹妹的监护人。)
- The protector of the city ensured the safety of its residents during the crisis. (这个城市的保护者确保在危机期间居民的安全。)