1. walden
英 [ˈwɔːldən]
美 [ˈwɔːldən]
解释:与美国作家亨利·戴维·梭罗(Henry David Thoreau)的作品《湖边的居住》(Walden)相关的。
- His writing style is often described as walden, emphasizing simplicity and self-reliance. (他的写作风格常被描述为“walden式”,强调简约和自力更生。)
- She felt a sense of walden tranquility as she sat by the lake. (她坐在湖边时感到一种湖边的宁静。)
1. walden
英 [ˈwɔːldən]
美 [ˈwɔːldən]
- Many visitors come to Walden every year to experience the natural beauty of the lake. (每年有许多游客来到Walden体验湖泊的自然之美。)
- Thoreau's reflections on nature were greatly influenced by his time spent at Walden. (梭罗在Walden度过的时光对他对自然的反思产生了巨大影响。)
- His writing style is often described as walden, emphasizing simplicity and self-reliance. (他的写作风格常被描述为“walden式”,强调简约和自力更生。)
- She felt a sense of walden tranquility as she sat by the lake. (她坐在湖边时感到一种湖边的宁静。)
- Many visitors come to Walden every year to experience the natural beauty of the lake. (每年有许多游客来到Walden体验湖泊的自然之美。)
- Thoreau's reflections on nature were greatly influenced by his time spent at Walden. (梭罗在Walden度过的时光对他对自然的反思产生了巨大影响。)
- Walden is a popular destination for nature lovers and hikers. (Walden是自然爱好者和远足者们的热门目的地。)
- The cabin that Thoreau built near Walden Pond still stands as a historic landmark. (梭罗在Walden湖附近建造的小屋仍然作为历史地标存在。)
- Living in Walden allowed Thoreau to live a more deliberate and contemplative life. (居住在Walden使梭罗过上了一种更加慎重和沉思的生活。)
- Walden is known for its crystal-clear waters and peaceful surroundings. (Walden以其湖水清澈和宁静的环境而闻名。)
- Thoreau's book Walden is considered a classic of American literature. (梭罗的《湖边的居住》被认为是美国文学的经典之作。)
- The wildlife around Walden provides a rich and diverse ecosystem. (Walden周围的野生动植物提供了一个丰富多样的生态系统。)
- Walden is a place where one can escape the noise and distractions of city life. (Walden是一个可以逃离城市生活噪音和干扰的地方。)
- Thoreau's experiment in simple living at Walden inspired many others to seek a similar lifestyle. (梭罗在Walden进行的简单生活实验激发了许多人追求类似的生活方式。)
- Visitors to Walden can enjoy activities such as fishing, hiking, and birdwatching. (来Walden的游客可以享受钓鱼、远足和观鸟等活动。)
- Walden is a place of natural beauty and tranquility, providing a retreat from the stresses of modern life. (Walden是一个自然美和宁静的地方,为人们提供了远离现代生活压力的避难所。)
- Thoreau's time at Walden was a period of self-reflection and personal growth. (梭罗在Walden的时光是一段自我反思和个人成长的时期。)
- Walden is surrounded by lush forests and scenic landscapes. (Walden周围是茂密的森林和风景如画的景观。)
- Thoreau's writings about Walden continue to inspire readers to live more intentionally and appreciate the beauty of nature. (梭罗关于Walden的著作继续激励读者更有意义地生活并欣赏自然之美。)
- Walden is a place where one can reconnect with nature and find inner peace. (Walden是一个可以重新与大自然联系并找到内心平静的地方。)
- Thoreau's cabin at Walden Pond was a simple yet functional dwelling. (梭罗在Walden湖的小屋简单而实用。)
- Walden is a symbol of the harmony that can be found in living close to nature. (Walden是一种生活在自然环境中可以找到的和谐的象征。)
- Thoreau's experiences at Walden taught him the value of simplicity and self-sufficiency. (梭罗在Walden的经历教会了他简约和自给自足的价值。)