Waves - 中英词典介绍
- 波浪状的;波动的。
- 波状的;卷曲的。
- 波状的;起伏的。
- 波状的;随波逐流的。
- 波;波浪。
- 波动;起伏。
- 一阵;一系列。
- 浪潮;热潮。
- 声浪;声波。
- 波纹;涟漪。
- 波及;影响。
1. wave vs. ripple:
2. wave vs. current:
1. make waves: 引起骚动;制造麻烦。
2. wave of: 一系列的;一波。
3. wave goodbye: 挥手告别。
4. wave off: 挥手示意离开;拒绝。
5. wave down: 招手停下。
6. wave upon wave: 一波又一波。
- billow
- surge
- swell
- undulation
- stillness
- calm
- A wave is a raised line of water that moves across the surface of an area of water, especially an ocean or sea.
- You can refer to a sudden increase in a particular type of behaviour, activity, or feeling as a wave of that behaviour, activity, or feeling.
- In physics, a wave is a movement up and down or from side to side in a pattern, in which the position of one part of the wave is followed by the position of the next part.
- If you wave or wave your hand, you move your hand from side to side in the air, usually in order to say hello or goodbye to someone.
- If you wave something or if it waves, it moves quickly up and down or from side to side.
- A long body of water curling into an arched form and breaking on the shore.
- A thing resembling a wave in form or movement.
- A sudden occurrence of or increase in a specified phenomenon, feeling, or emotion.
- Move one's hand to and fro in greeting or as a signal.
- Move (one's hand or arm, or something held in one's hand) to and fro.
1. "Waves" 作为名词时,常用于以下短语:
- make waves
- wave of
- wave goodbye
2. "Waves" 作为动词时,常用于以下短语:
- wave to
- wave off
- wave down
- The waves crashed against the rocks.
- A wave of protests swept across the country.
- Sound waves travel through the air.
- She waved to her friend from across the street.
- The flag waved in the wind.
- He waved down a taxi.
- The beach was covered in waves of seaweed.
- A new wave of fashion trends is emerging.
- She waved goodbye and walked away.
- The crowd waved their hands in excitement.
- I waved the mosquito away from my face.
- She waved to get the waiter's attention.
- The ship rode the waves of the storm.
- The news sent shock waves through the industry.
- The sun set behind the waves on the horizon.
- His sudden mood swing came in waves.
- The teacher waved the students into the classroom.
- The wheat fields waved in the breeze.
- The lifeguard waved off the swimmers due to dangerous conditions.
- She waved down a passing car for help.
- Wave upon wave of applause filled the auditorium.
- The political speech was met with a wave of criticism.
- He made waves in the office with his innovative ideas.
- The calm sea reflected the clear blue sky.
- After the storm, the waves settled and the water became still.