1. 运单,货运单(一份记录货物运输细节的文件)。词语辨析
运单(waybill)通常用于货物运输行业,记录货物从发出地到目的地的运输细节。它与提货单(bill of lading)相似,但提货单更多用于海上运输。词汇扩充
waybill number - 运单号码 waybill form - 运单表格 waybill tracking - 运单追踪近义词
shipping document, consignment note反义词
1. Fill out the waybill with the necessary details before sending the shipment. 在发货前填写运单上的必要细节。 2. The courier lost the waybill, causing a delay in the delivery. 快递员丢失了运单,导致交货延误。 3. Make sure to keep a copy of the waybill for your records. 确保保留一份运单的副本供您查档。 4. The waybill should include information such as the sender's and receiver's addresses, description of the goods, and any special instructions. 运单应包括发件人和收件人地址、货物描述以及任何特殊指示等信息。 5. The waybill serves as proof of shipment and can be used to track the progress of the delivery. 运单作为运输的证明,并可用于跟踪交货的进展。相关例句
- Could you please fill out the waybill for this package? 请你为这个包裹填写一下运单好吗?
- The waybill got misplaced during transit and caused a delay in delivery. 运单在运输过程中被错放,导致交货延迟。
- Please sign the waybill to acknowledge receipt of the goods. 请签署运单以确认收到货物。
- Make sure the waybill is securely attached to the package. 确保运单牢固地附在包裹上。
- We need the original waybill to claim insurance for the lost shipment. 我们需要原始运单来索赔丢失的货物。
- According to the waybill, the package should arrive tomorrow. 根据运单的记录,这个包裹应该明天到达。
- Check the waybill number to track the status of your shipment online. 通过查询运单号码来在线跟踪您的货物状态。
- The waybill is a legal document that outlines the terms of the shipping contract. 运单是一份法律文件,概述了运输合同的条款。
- Attach a copy of the waybill to the package and keep the original for your records. 将运单的副本附在包裹上,保留原件供您查档。
- The waybill must be signed by both the shipper and the carrier. 运单必须由发货人和承运人签字。
- Ensure that the waybill is accurately completed to avoid any delivery issues. 确保运单填写准确,以避免交货问题。
- Before accepting the cargo, the receiver should carefully check the waybill for any discrepancies. 收货人在接收货物之前应仔细检查运单是否有任何差异。
- The waybill provides a detailed record of the shipping process from start to finish. 运单提供了从开始到结束的运输过程的详细记录。
- The waybill includes information such as the weight, quantity, and value of the goods. 运单包括货物的重量、数量和价值等信息。
- The driver forgot to hand in the waybill at the destination, causing confusion for the warehouse staff. 司机忘记在目的地交运单,导致仓库人员困惑。
- Always keep a copy of the waybill as proof of shipment. 始终保留运单的副本作为运输的证明。
- The waybill serves as a legal document in case of any disputes or claims. 运单作为在发生争议或索赔时的法律文件。
- The courier company provides online tracking services for their waybills. 快递公司为其运单提供在线追踪服务。
- Please ensure that the waybill is securely attached to the outside of the package. 请确保运单牢固地附在包裹外面。
- Attach the waybill to the package using adhesive tape or a plastic envelope. 使用胶带或塑料信封将运单附在包裹上。
- According to the waybill, the goods were delivered to the wrong address. 根据运单的记录,货物被交付到错误的地址。