- 形容词:watery - 含水的,水状的
- 名词:water - 水
- water - 指液体形式的H2O,包括自然水源、饮用水等。
- river - 一条大的自然水道,通常指较宽且流动的水流。
- lake - 一个较大的淡水或咸水的湖泊。
- ocean - 大海,通常指连接在一起的大片咸水。
- sea - 海洋中的一部分,通常指较小的海洋区域。
- rain - 从云层中降下来的水滴。
- dew - 露水,夜间大气中凝结的水珠。
- steam - 水的气态形式,由于加热而产生的蒸汽。
- tap water - 自来水
- bottled water - 瓶装水
- drinking water - 饮用水
- mineral water - 矿泉水
- hot water - 热水
- cold water - 冷水
- purified water - 净化水
- liquid - 液体
- aqua - 水(拉丁文)
- fluid - 流体
- land - 陆地
- drought - 干旱
water (noun)
1. A clear, colourless, odourless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms.
2. A portion of such a liquid, especially when used as a beverage or for cooking.
3. The amniotic fluid surrounding a fetus in the womb.
water (adjective)
1. Of or relating to water.
2. Living in water; aquatic.
water (noun)
1. A colourless, transparent, odourless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms.
2. The quality of transparency and brilliance shown by a diamond or other gem.
water (adjective)
1. Of or found in water; aquatic.
2. Used in or on water.
3. Requiring water for cultivation or growth.
1. Can you bring me a glass of water? (你能给我拿杯水吗?) - 名词用法
2. The plant needs regular water to grow. (这种植物需要定期浇水才能生长。) - 动词用法
3. The swimmer dived into the watery depths. (游泳者潜入水下深处。) - 形容词用法
- The water in the lake is crystal clear. (湖水清澈透明。)
- She poured a glass of water from the tap. (她从水龙头倒了一杯水。)
- After the rain, puddles of water formed on the ground. (雨后,地面上形成了一滩滩的水洼。)
- They went swimming in the ocean and enjoyed the warm water. (他们去海里游泳,享受着温暖的海水。)
- He loves to drink mineral water for its health benefits. (他喜欢喝矿泉水,因为它对健康有益。)
- The baby is surrounded by amniotic water in the womb. (婴儿在子宫内被羊水包围着。)
- The water level in the river rose after heavy rainfall. (大雨过后,河水水位上涨了。)
- She loves to take long walks by the river and enjoy the sound of flowing water. (她喜欢沿着河边散步,欣赏流水的声音。)
- The athlete drank water to rehydrate after intense training. (运动员在剧烈训练后喝水补水。)
- I accidentally spilled some water on my laptop. (我不小心把水洒在了笔记本电脑上。)
- The flower needs sufficient water to bloom beautifully. (这朵花需要足够的水才能开得美丽。)
- They sailed across the sea and reached a remote island. (他们航行穿越大海,到达了一个偏远的岛屿。)
- After a long hike, they quenched their thirst with fresh water from a natural spring. (长时间的徒步旅行后,他们用天然泉水解渴。)
- She wiped away the dew from the grass with her hands. (她用手擦去了草地上的露水。)
- The steam from the hot water rose up and fogged the bathroom mirror. (热水蒸气升起,使浴室镜子上起了雾。)
- They quenched their thirst with a refreshing glass of ice-cold water. (他们喝了一杯清凉的冰水解渴。)
- He loves to swim in the pond and watch the ducks play in the water. (他喜欢在池塘里游泳,看着鸭子在水中嬉戏。)
- She uses a watering can to water her plants. (她用水壶给植物浇水。)
- The waterfall cascaded down the rocks with tremendous force. (瀑布急流地从岩石上倾泻而下。)
- They set up a waterslide in the backyard for the children to play on. (他们在后院搭建了一个滑水道供孩子们玩耍。)
- The watery soup lacked flavor and needed more seasoning. (这道汤太淡了,需要加更多的调味料。)