waypoint [ˈweɪˌpɔɪnt] (复数: waypoints) - 航点;途经点;航迹点
waypoint - 航点的;途经点的;航迹点的
- waypoint:指导航中的特定地点,通常是航空或航海中的一个地理位置。
- destination:指旅行或航程的目的地,通常是最终的目标。
- stopover:指旅行中的短暂停留或中途停靠。
- wayfinding - 寻路;导航
- route - 路线;航线
- navigation - 导航
- course - 航线;课程
- trajectory - 轨迹;弹道
- marker - 标记点;标识物
- checkpoint - 检查站;过境点
- landmark - 地标;里程碑
- departure - 出发;离开
- arrival - 到达
waypoint (名词):a point on a route or line of travel
waypoint (名词):a stopping place on a journey
- 作为名词:
- We have several waypoints marked on the map for our hike.
- Our flight plan includes several waypoints for navigation.
- The ship's captain entered the coordinates of the waypoint into the navigation system.
- 作为形容词:
- The aircraft followed a waypoint route to its destination.
- The sailors relied on the waypoint markers to navigate through the foggy waters.
- The hikers reached each waypoint along the trail.
- Our road trip has several waypoints, including national parks and historical sites. - 我们的自驾旅行有几个航点,包括国家公园和历史遗址。
- The pilot set the next waypoint in the navigation system. - 飞行员在导航系统中设置了下一个航点。
- She marked the waypoint on the map with a red dot. - 她在地图上用红点标记了航点。
- The hikers reached the first waypoint after an hour of hiking. - 徒步旅行者在行进了一个小时后到达了第一个航点。
- The sailor used the waypoint markers to navigate through the narrow channel. - 水手使用航点标记物在狭窄的航道中导航。
- Our flight plan includes several waypoints for course corrections. - 我们的飞行计划包括几个航点以进行航向修正。
- The waypoint coordinates were entered into the GPS device. - 航点坐标已输入到GPS设备中。
- The hikers stopped at each waypoint to rest and take photos. - 徒步旅行者在每个航点停下来休息和拍照。
- The race organizers set up checkpoints at various waypoints along the race course. - 赛事组织者在比赛线路上的各个航点设置了检查站。
- He programmed the drone to fly to multiple waypoints before returning home. - 他为无人机设定了多个航点,然后返回家中。
- The waypoint system helps pilots navigate along their flight path. - 航点系统帮助飞行员沿着飞行路径导航。
- The waypoint is a crucial landmark for sailors entering the harbor. - 这个航点对于进入港口的水手来说是一个重要的地标。
- The hikers followed the trail markers to find each waypoint. - 徒步旅行者按照标记找到每个航点。
- The ship's captain adjusted the course based on the waypoint coordinates. - 船长根据航点坐标调整了航线。
- They reached the final waypoint of their journey just before sunset. - 他们在日落前到达了旅程的最后一个航点。
- Before the trip, they marked the waypoints they wanted to visit on the map. - 在旅行前,他们在地图上标记了他们想要访问的航点。
- The pilot confirmed the waypoint coordinates with air traffic control. - 飞行员与空中交通管制确认了航点坐标。
- The hikers used a compass to navigate between waypoints. - 徒步旅行者使用罗盘在航点之间导航。
- She set the waypoint as her destination in the GPS device. - 她在GPS设备中将航点设置为目的地。
- The waypoint marked the halfway point of their journey. - 航点标记了他们旅程的中途点。
- They had to cross the river to reach the next waypoint. - 他们必须穿过河流才能到达下一个航点。