形容词 - Adjective
1. 简洁的,简明的 - 翻译:concise, succinct - 例句: - The wcc presentation was clear and to the point. (这个wcc的演讲简明扼要。) - The report provides a wcc summary of the findings. (该报告对调查结果作了简洁的总结。) 2. 无线通信的 - 翻译:wireless communication - 例句: - The company specializes in wcc technology development. (该公司专注于无线通信技术的开发。) - The new smartphone supports various wcc standards. (这款新的智能手机支持多种无线通信标准。)名词 - Noun
1. 世界基督教联谊会(World Council of Churches) - 翻译:World Council of Churches (WCC) - 例句: - The WCC aims to promote Christian unity and cooperation. (世界基督教联谊会旨在促进基督教的团结与合作。) - The WCC conference will be held in Geneva this year. (今年的世界基督教联谊会会议将在日内瓦举行。) 2. 世界电子竞技锦标赛(World Cyber Games) - 翻译:World Cyber Games (WCC) - 例句: - Many professional gamers participate in the WCC every year. (每年都有许多职业游戏玩家参加世界电子竞技锦标赛。) - The WCC has become one of the most prestigious esports events. (世界电子竞技锦标赛已成为最具声望的电子竞技赛事之一。)词语辨析
1. 简洁的,简明的
例句:Please provide a concise summary of the report. (请提供一份简洁的报告摘要。)
例句:His succinct explanation clarified the concept for the students. (他简明扼要的解释为学生们澄清了这个概念。)
1. WCC (缩写):Waste Collection Center(废品收集中心)
例句:Residents can drop off recyclables at the local WCC. (居民可以在当地的废品收集中心投放可回收物。)
2. WCC (缩写):World Curling Championship(世界冰壶锦标赛)
例句:Canada won the gold medal in the WCC last year. (加拿大在去年的世界冰壶锦标赛中获得了金牌。)
近义词 - Synonyms
concise, succinct, brief, pithy
反义词 - Antonyms
verbose, wordy, long-winded, prolix
柯林斯词典 - Collins Dictionary
WCC (noun)
1. (缩写) World Council of Churches
2. (缩写) World Curling Championship
牛津词典 - Oxford Dictionary
WCC (abbreviation)
1. World Council of Churches
2. World Cricket Championship
用法 - Usage
1. The wcc presentation was clear and to the point. (这个wcc的演讲简明扼要。)
2. The company specializes in wcc technology development. (该公司专注于无线通信技术的开发。)
3. The WCC aims to promote Christian unity and cooperation. (世界基督教联谊会旨在促进基督教的团结与合作。)
4. Many professional gamers participate in the WCC every year. (每年都有许多职业游戏玩家参加世界电子竞技锦标赛。)
例句 - Example Sentences
- The wcc presentation was clear and to the point. (这个wcc的演讲简明扼要。)
- The report provides a wcc summary of the findings. (该报告对调查结果作了简洁的总结。)
- The company specializes in wcc technology development. (该公司专注于无线通信技术的开发。)
- The new smartphone supports various wcc standards. (这款新的智能手机支持多种无线通信标准。)
- The WCC aims to promote Christian unity and cooperation. (世界基督教联谊会旨在促进基督教的团结与合作。)
- The WCC conference will be held in Geneva this year. (今年的世界基督教联谊会会议将在日内瓦举行。)
- Many professional gamers participate in the WCC every year. (每年都有许多职业游戏玩家参加世界电子竞技锦标赛。)
- The WCC has become one of the most prestigious esports events. (世界电子竞技锦标赛已成为最具声望的电子竞技赛事之一。)
- Please provide a concise summary of the report. (请提供一份简洁的报告摘要。)
- His succinct explanation clarified the concept for the students. (他简明扼要的解释为学生们澄清了这个概念。)
- The speaker's brief introduction set the context for the discussion. (演讲者简短的介绍为讨论奠定了背景。)
- Her pithy remarks captured the essence of the issue. (她简洁的话语捕捉到了问题的本质。)
- The professor's verbose lecture bored the students. (教授冗长的演讲让学生们感到厌烦。)
- Avoid using wordy phrases and keep your writing concise. (避免使用冗长的词句,保持写作简洁。)
- His long-winded explanation only confused the audience. (他冗长的解释只是让观众感到困惑。)
- The politician's prolix speech lasted for hours. (那位政治家冗长的演讲持续了数小时。)
- The WCC meeting will take place next month in Rome. (下个月世界基督教联谊会的会议将在罗马举行。)
- The WCC website provides information about their programs and initiatives. (世界基督教联谊会的网站提供了关于他们的项目和倡议的信息。)
- Japan won the gold medal in the WCC last year. (日本去年在世界冰壶锦标赛中获得了金牌。)
- The WCC tournament attracts top curling teams from around the world. (世界冰壶锦标赛吸引来自世界各地的顶级冰壶队伍。)