[形容词] 1. 美国编剧工会的(Writers Guild of America)的缩写 2. 世界高尔夫协会的(World Golf Association)的缩写 [名词] 1. 美国编剧工会(Writers Guild of America) 2. 世界高尔夫协会(World Golf Association)词语辨析
- WGA Awards:美国编剧工会奖(由美国编剧工会颁发的电影和电视剧奖项) - WGA East:美国编剧工会东部分会 - WGA West:美国编剧工会西部分会 - WGA strike:美国编剧工会罢工(指美国编剧工会成员为争取权益而停止工作)近义词
- Writers Guild of America:美国编剧工会(同WGA) - World Golf Association:世界高尔夫协会(同WGA)反义词
- Non-WGA:非美国编剧工会的柯林斯词典
WGA abbreviation 1. (in the US) Writers Guild of America 2. (in golf) World Golf Association牛津词典
WGA abbreviation 1. (in the US) Writers Guild of America 2. (in golf) World Golf Association用法
- The script was approved by the WGA. (这个剧本已获得美国编剧工会的批准。)
- The WGA Awards ceremony is a prestigious event in the film industry. (美国编剧工会奖颁奖典礼是电影业界备受尊重的活动。)
- She is a member of WGA East. (她是美国编剧工会东部分会的成员。)
- He participated in the WGA strike to fight for better working conditions. (他参与了美国编剧工会的罢工,以争取更好的工作条件。)
- WGA is dedicated to promoting the rights and interests of writers. (美国编剧工会致力于推动作家的权益。)
- The WGA is responsible for negotiating contracts on behalf of its members. (美国编剧工会负责代表其会员进行合同谈判。)
- WGA West represents writers working in the Western United States. (美国编剧工会西部分会代表在美国西部工作的编剧。)
- The World Golf Association (WGA) aims to promote and develop the sport of golf globally. (世界高尔夫协会旨在全球推广和发展高尔夫运动。)
- The WGA organizes international golf tournaments. (世界高尔夫协会组织国际高尔夫锦标赛。)
- WGA members receive various benefits, including access to exclusive events and resources. (美国编剧工会会员享有各种福利,包括参加独家活动和资源。)
- He won the WGA Award for Best Original Screenplay. (他赢得了美国编剧工会最佳原创剧本奖。)
- WGA is actively involved in promoting diversity and inclusion in the entertainment industry. (美国编剧工会积极参与推动娱乐行业的多样性与包容。)
- WGA negotiates agreements with production companies to protect the rights of writers. (美国编剧工会与制片公司谈判协议,以保护编剧的权益。)
- The WGA strike had a significant impact on the television industry. (美国编剧工会的罢工对电视业产生了重大影响。)
- She is a member of the WGA Diversity Committee. (她是美国编剧工会多样性委员会的成员。)
- The WGA contract specifies the terms and conditions of a writer's employment. (美国编剧工会合同规定了编剧的雇佣条款和条件。)
- WGA provides resources and support for aspiring writers. (美国编剧工会为有抱负的编剧提供资源和支持。)
- He joined the WGA to connect with other writers and learn from their experiences. (他加入美国编剧工会以与其他编剧建立联系,并从他们的经验中学习。)
- The WGA represents the interests of both established and emerging writers. (美国编剧工会代表了已经确立和新兴编剧的利益。)
- WGA members have access to legal services and professional development opportunities. (美国编剧工会会员可以获得法律服务和职业发展机会。)