形容词 (Adjective): 1. 吹哨的,鸣哨的 2. 用哨声吹出的,像哨声一样的 名词 (Noun): 1. 吹口哨 2. 哨声词语辨析 (Different Meanings):
- 形容词 "whistled" 指的是发出哨声的动作或声音。 - 名词 "whistled" 指的是吹口哨或哨声的行为或声音。词汇扩充 (Vocabulary Expansion):
- whistle (动词): 吹口哨,鸣笛 - whistler (名词): 吹口哨的人,鸣笛者 - whistling (动词现在分词): 吹口哨,鸣笛近义词 (Synonyms):
- sounded - tooted - blew反义词 (Antonyms):
- silent - quiet - still柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary):
形容词 (Adjective): 1. If someone is whistled, they have been chosen or called for a particular purpose, especially to do a job or to play in a sports team. - Example: He was whistled for the national team at the age of 18. 名词 (Noun): 1. Whistled is the past tense and past participle of the verb whistle. - Example: The whistle of the kettle could be heard from the kitchen.牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary):
Whistle (名词): 1. A clear, high-pitched sound made by forcing breath through a small hole between partly closed lips, or between one's teeth. - Example: The referee blew his whistle to stop the game. Whistle (动词): 1. Make a clear, high-pitched sound by forcing breath through a small hole or passage, typically between one's lips. - Example: The wind whistled through the trees.用法 (Usage):
- He whistled a happy tune while walking down the street. - The referee whistled to signal the end of the game. - She was whistled for her outstanding performance in the play. - The wind whistled through the cracks in the window.相关的例句 (Example Sentences):
- He whistled a cheerful melody as he strolled along the beach. (他边漫步沿着海滩边吹着欢快的旋律口哨。)
- The referee whistled to indicate a penalty. (裁判吹响哨子表示犯规。)
- She was whistled for her excellent performance in the competition. (她因在比赛中表现出色而被热烈鼓掌。)
- The wind whistled through the trees, creating an eerie sound. (风穿过树木呼啸着,发出一种怪异的声音。)
- He whistled for a taxi but none stopped for him. (他吹了口哨叫了辆出租车,但没有一辆停下来。)
- She whistled in delight when she saw the surprise party. (她看到惊喜派对时开心地吹了口哨。)
- The kettle whistled to signal that the water had boiled. (水壶发出哨声,表示水已经烧开了。)
- He whistled through his teeth to get his dog's attention. (他用嘴发出嘶嘶声以引起狗的注意。)
- The audience whistled and applauded after the amazing performance. (观众们在精彩演出后响起了口哨声和掌声。)
- The bullet whistled past his ear, narrowly missing him. (子弹呼啸着从他耳边飞过,差点没打中他。)
- She whistled a song she had learned as a child. (她吹响了她小时候学过的一首歌。)
- The train whistled as it approached the platform. (火车在接近站台时响起了汽笛声。)
- He whistled with admiration when he saw the incredible artwork. (当他看到这个令人难以置信的艺术品时,他赞叹地吹了口哨。)
- She whistled to herself while working in the garden. (她在花园里工作时自己小声吹起了口哨。)
- He whistled through the house, checking for any signs of intruders. (他在房子里吹着口哨,检查是否有入侵者的迹象。)
- The wind whistled through the old chimney, creating an eerie sound. (风穿过旧烟囱时发出嘶嘶声,发出一种诡异的声音。)
- The coach whistled to signal the start of the match. (教练吹了口哨,标志着比赛的开始。)
- He whistled with surprise when he saw the extravagant gift. (当他看到奢华的礼物时,他吃惊地吹了口哨。)
- The kettle whistled, indicating that the water was boiling. (水壶发出哨声,表示水已经烧开了。)
- She whistled to get her dog's attention. (她吹了口哨来引起她的狗的注意。)
- The audience whistled and cheered at the end of the performance. (观众在演出结束时吹口哨并欢呼。)