1. whistle: 口哨,吹口哨的声音 2. whistle: 汽笛,汽车喇叭声 3. whistle: 哨子,鸟鸣声 4. whistle: 呼啸声,风声 5. whistle: 呼哧声,吹哨声 6. whistle: 哨声,吹哨声 7. whistle: 哨叫,吹哨 8. whistle: 呼啸而过,吹着口哨走过 9. whistle: 口哨声,吹口哨 10. whistle: 小汽笛,汽车喇叭声 11. whistle: 车鸣声,汽车喇叭声 12. whistle: 呼啸声,风声 13. whistle: 鸣笛,吹口哨 14. whistle: 鸟鸣声,鸟叫声 15. whistle: 哨子,口哨 16. whistle: 呼啸而过,吹口哨走过形容词
1. whistling: 吹口哨的,鸟鸣声的 2. whistling: 呼啸的,发出鸟鸣声的 3. whistling: 呼啸而过的,发出嘶嘶声的 4. whistling: 尖啸的,尖声的 5. whistling: 吹口哨的,发出尖啸声的 6. whistling: 呼啸的,发出尖啸声的词语辨析
例句:He whistled a happy tune.(他吹起了一支快乐的曲子。) He blew the trumpet at the concert.(他在音乐会上吹号。)
例句:The kettle whistled when the water boiled.(水开时,水壶发出嘶嘶声。) The audience hissed at the bad performance.(观众对糟糕的表演发出了嘘声。)
- a small wind instrument, usually cylindrical, that is blown into to produce a shrill sound
- a device for producing a shrill sound
- a shrill sound produced by whistling
- the act of whistling
- to produce (a shrill sound) by whistling or blowing into a whistle
- to make a shrill sound
- to summon, signal, or command by whistling or blowing a whistle
- to move or go with a whistling sound
- to produce (a tune, song, etc.) by whistling
- to send, bring, signal, or call by whistling
- a clear, high-pitched sound made by forcing breath through a small hole between partly closed lips, or between one's teeth
- a device through which air or steam is forced into a cavity or pipe, typically to produce a loud sound
- emit a clear, high-pitched sound by forcing breath through a small hole between one's lips or teeth
- make a shrill, high-pitched sound by forcing breath through a small hole or by contact with a vibrating edge
- produce (a tune or sound) by whistling