1. 形容词
white-collar [ˌwaɪtˈkɒlə(r)]
- 白领的;从事脑力劳动的
2. 名词
white-collar [ˌwaɪtˈkɒlə(r)]
- 白领工人
3. 含义
- 从事脑力劳动的,通常指在办公室从事管理、专业或行政工作的人。
- 进行脑力劳动的办公室工人,通常指拥有专业技能或受过高等教育的办公室职员。
4. 词语辨析
5. 词汇扩充
- white-collar crime (白领犯罪)
- white-collar worker (白领工人)
- white-collar union (白领工会)
- white-collar class (白领阶层)
- white-collar profession (白领职业)
6. 近义词
professional, executive, office worker
7. 反义词
8. 柯林斯词典
white-collar (adj.)
- White-collar workers work in offices rather than doing physical work. They are usually managers or other highly educated workers.
white-collar (n.)
- White-collar workers are people who work in offices rather than doing physical work. They are usually managers or other highly educated workers.
9. 牛津词典
white-collar (adj.)
- Relating to people who work in offices, doing work that needs mental rather than physical effort, and who usually wear formal clothes.
white-collar worker (n.)
- A person who works in an office, doing work that needs mental rather than physical effort, and who usually wears formal clothes.
10. 用法
- He is a white-collar professional working in a multinational company.
- In modern society, the number of white-collar workers has been increasing rapidly.
- He is a white-collar worker in a law firm. (他是一名律师事务所的白领工人。)
- She enjoys the benefits of a white-collar job. (她享受着白领工作的好处。)
- Most of the employees in this company are white-collar workers. (这家公司的大多数员工是白领工人。)
- He has been a white-collar professional for over 10 years. (他已经是一名白领职业人员超过10年了。)
- She is highly educated and works as a white-collar executive. (她受过高等教育,担任白领职务。)
- The company provides various benefits for its white-collar employees. (该公司为白领员工提供各种福利。)
- He prefers a white-collar job rather than manual labor. (他喜欢白领工作而不是体力劳动。)
- She is looking for a white-collar profession with flexible working hours. (她正在寻找一份工作时间灵活的白领职业。)
- The white-collar class is expanding with the growth of the service industry. (随着服务业的增长,白领阶层正在扩大。)
- He was accused of committing a white-collar crime involving embezzlement. (他被指控涉嫌贪污的白领犯罪。)
- She joined a white-collar union to protect the rights of office workers. (她加入了一家白领工会,以保护办公室员工的权益。)
- Many white-collar workers find it difficult to balance work and personal life. (许多白领工人发现很难平衡工作和个人生活。)
- He belongs to the white-collar profession and earns a high salary. (他从事白领职业,薪水很高。)
- She is tired of her white-collar job and wants to pursue a career in a different field. (她对自己的白领工作感到厌倦,想在其他领域追求事业。)
- There is a growing demand for white-collar professionals in the technology sector. (科技行业对白领职业人员的需求不断增长。)
- He is a successful white-collar executive who has climbed the corporate ladder. (他是一位成功的白领高管,已经攀登了企业的高位。)
- The company offers various training programs for its white-collar employees to enhance their skills. (该公司为白领员工提供各种培训项目,以提升他们的技能。)
- She enjoys the stability and benefits that come with being a white-collar worker. (她享受作为白领工人所带来的稳定和福利。)
- He transitioned from a blue-collar job to a white-collar career after earning a degree. (在获得学位后,他从蓝领工作转向了白领职业。)
- She is proud of her white-collar profession and the impact she makes in her field. (她为自己的白领职业感到骄傲,以及她在领域中所产生的影响。)
- He prefers the stability and security of a white-collar job over the physical demands of a blue-collar job. (相较于蓝领工作的体力需求,他更喜欢白领工作的稳定性和安全性。)