1. White House: 白宫,美国总统的办公室和住所。 例句:The president will address the nation from the White House.(总统将在白宫向全国发表讲话。)形容词
1. whitehouse: 白宫的,与白宫有关的。 例句:The whitehouse press briefing was held in the briefing room.(白宫新闻发布会在新闻发布厅举行。)词语辨析
1. white house vs. White House: - white house: 指的是一座白色的房子,可以是任何白色的房子。 - White House: 指的是美国总统的办公室和住所。词汇扩充
- White House Correspondents' Association: 白宫记者协会,负责报道和采访白宫的记者组织。 - White House Chief of Staff: 白宫办公厅主任,负责协助总统管理和组织白宫事务的高级官员。近义词
- executive mansion: 行政大楼反义词
- black house: 黑宫柯林斯词典
White House - The White House is the official home of the President of the United States of America. - The White House is used to refer to the people who work there and to the activities and responsibilities of the President.牛津词典
White House - The official home and workplace of the US president in Washington, DC.用法
- We visited the White House during our trip to Washington, DC. - The President made an important announcement from the White House. - The White House staff includes many advisors and assistants.例句
- The President will address the nation from the White House.(总统将在白宫向全国发表讲话。)
- The White House press briefing was held in the briefing room.(白宫新闻发布会在新闻发布厅举行。)
- Visitors can take a tour of the White House when in Washington, DC.(游客们在华盛顿特区可以参观白宫。)
- The White House is an iconic symbol of American democracy.(白宫是美国民主的标志性象征。)
- The President met with foreign leaders at the White House to discuss important issues.(总统在白宫与外国领导人会面,讨论重要问题。)
- The White House Chief of Staff is responsible for managing the President's schedule.(白宫办公厅主任负责管理总统的日程安排。)
- Security is tight around the White House to ensure the President's safety.(为确保总统的安全,白宫周围安保严密。)
- The White House Correspondents' Dinner is a popular annual event.(白宫记者协会晚宴是一年一度的热门活动。)
- The White House has a rich history and has been home to many presidents.(白宫有着丰富的历史,曾经是许多总统的住所。)
- Protesters gathered outside the White House to voice their concerns.(抗议者聚集在白宫外表达他们的关切。)
- The White House is an important symbol of American power and leadership.(白宫是美国权力和领导力的重要象征。)
- Journalists from around the world report on the activities of the White House.(来自世界各地的记者报道白宫的活动。)
- Every president adds their personal touch to the decor of the White House.(每位总统都为白宫的装饰增添了个人风格。)
- The Oval Office is the president's main workspace in the White House.(椭圆形办公室是总统在白宫的主要工作区域。)
- The White House is a symbol of democracy and freedom.(白宫是民主和自由的象征。)
- The President's family resides in the White House during their time in office.(总统的家人在任期间居住在白宫。)
- The White House is an important historical landmark in the United States.(白宫是美国的重要历史地标。)
- Leaders from other countries often visit the White House to meet with the President.(来自其他国家的领导人经常访问白宫与总统会面。)
- The White House is a symbol of power and authority in the United States.(白宫是美国权力和权威的象征。)
- The White House is a popular tourist attraction in Washington, DC.(白宫是华盛顿特区的热门旅游景点。)