1. 白茫茫的:形容视线被大雪或大雾所遮挡,一片白茫茫的景象。2. 白色的:形容物体表面为白色。
3. 涂白的:指用涂料或白色材料将物体表面涂成白色。
1. 白茫茫:大雪或大雾导致视线模糊的情况,一片白茫茫的景象。2. 涂改液:一种可用于涂改打字或书写错误的白色液体。
1. whiteout vs. blackout:whiteout 指视线被雪或雾所遮挡,而 blackout 指突然失去意识或记忆。2. whiteout vs. blizzard:whiteout 指由于大雪或大雾而导致视线模糊,而 blizzard 指大风伴随大雪的暴风雪。
1. snowblindness:雪盲,由于强烈的阳光反射在雪地上,造成眼睛暂时性失明。2. whitewash:石灰水,涂白,掩饰。
3. blank:空白的,空缺的。
1. 白茫茫的:blinding, dazzling, glaring2. 白色的:white, snowy, pale
3. 涂白的:whitened, painted, coated
4. 涂改液:correction fluid, liquid paper, correction tape
1. 白茫茫的:clear, visible, unobstructed2. 白色的:colored, dark, black
3. 涂白的:unpainted, uncoated, unstained
4. 涂改液:typo, error, mistake
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
名词 1. A whiteout is a situation in which the air is filled with snow and it is very difficult to see anything. 2. A whiteout is a piece of paper that has been covered with a white liquid so that you can write or type on it again. 3. A whiteout is a type of paint or liquid that you can use to cover and correct mistakes in a piece of writing.牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
名词 1. A whiteout is a weather condition in which it is snowing and it is very difficult to see because the snow is being blown around by the wind. 2. A whiteout is a piece of white paper that has had a substance put on it so that you can write over mistakes with it.用法
1. The hikers were caught in a whiteout blizzard on the mountain.登山者们在山上遭遇了一场白茫茫的暴风雪。 2. The walls of the room were painted in a whiteout color, giving it a clean and bright feel.
房间的墙壁涂成了白色,给人一种干净明亮的感觉。 3. She used a whiteout pen to correct the spelling mistake in her essay.
1. The blizzard caused a complete whiteout and the hikers lost all sense of direction.暴风雪造成了彻底的白茫茫,登山者们迷失了方向感。 2. I made a typo in the report, but luckily we have whiteout to fix it.
我在报告中打错了字,但幸运的是我们有涂改液可以修复。 3. The student used whiteout to cover up the incorrect answer on her test paper.
1. The skiers were blinded by the whiteout conditions on the mountain.滑雪者们在山上的白茫茫天气中被眩光所困扰。 2. The artist used different shades of white to create a whiteout effect in the painting.
艺术家使用不同深浅的白色来在画作中制造白茫茫的效果。 3. The office worker used whiteout to cover up the mistake in the document before submitting it.
办公室职员在提交文件之前使用涂改液来覆盖错误。 4. The team had to stop climbing due to the severe whiteout conditions at the top of the mountain.
由于山顶上严重的白茫茫天气,队伍不得不停止攀登。 5. The teacher handed out whiteout paper to the students so they could correct their spelling errors.
老师把涂改纸发给学生们,这样他们可以纠正拼写错误。 6. The snowstorm caused a complete whiteout and we couldn't see anything in front of us.
暴风雪导致彻底的白茫茫,我们前方什么都看不见。 7. She used a whiteout pen to hide the incorrect answer on her test and rewrite the correct one.
她使用涂改液笔隐藏了试卷上错误的答案,并重新写上了正确的答案。 8. The artist accidentally spilled whiteout on the canvas, creating an interesting texture.
艺术家不小心把涂改液洒在画布上,产生了有趣的质感。 9. The blizzard caused a complete whiteout and the road became impassable.
暴风雪造成了彻底的白茫茫,道路变得不可通行。 10. The student used whiteout to correct the spelling mistake in her essay before submitting it.
学生在提交论文之前使用涂改液来纠正拼写错误。 11. The mountaineers had to turn back due to the whiteout conditions on the summit.
登山者们由于山顶上的白茫茫天气不得不返回。 12. The whiteout conditions made it impossible to continue the search for the missing hikers.
白茫茫的天气使得继续搜寻失踪的登山者变得不可能。 13. The teacher used whiteout to cover up the incorrect information on the chalkboard.
老师使用涂改液来覆盖黑板上的错误信息。 14. The blizzard caused a temporary whiteout and all flights were cancelled.
暴风雪导致暂时的白茫茫,所有航班被取消。 15. The artist used a whiteout technique to create a sense of depth in the painting.
艺术家使用涂改液技巧在画作中营造出一种深度感。 16. The hikers were lucky to have whiteout goggles to protect their eyes from the bright snow.
登山者们很幸运有白茫茫眼镜来保护他们的眼睛不受强烈的雪光伤害。 17. The blizzard caused a complete whiteout and the streets were deserted.
暴风雪造成了彻底的白茫茫,街道上空无一人。 18. The student used whiteout to correct the wrong answer on the test paper.
学生使用涂改液来纠正试卷上的错误答案。 19. The mountain climbers experienced a whiteout at the peak, making it impossible to see the trail.
登山者在山顶上经历了白茫茫的情况,使得看不见路径。 20. The painter used a whiteout brush to add highlights to the snow-covered landscape.