1. 毛绒的;毛茸茸的
2. 模糊的;不清晰的
3. 无逻辑的;混乱的
1. 羊毛织品
2. 无科学根据的论点;无条理的话
"wooly"与 "woolly" 在英美英语中意思相同,只是拼写不同。
fuzzy, fluffy, downy
smooth, sleek, clear
wooly (adj.)
1. Something that is wooly is made of wool, resembles wool, or is covered with wool.
2. Something that is wooly is made of or resembles wool, or is covered with fine soft hairs or fibres.
3. If you describe someone's thinking or argument as wooly, you are critical of it because it is vague and not clearly or carefully thought out.
wooly (n.)
1. A wooly is a type of sheep with thick wool.
2. If you describe someone's thinking or argument as a wooly, you are critical of it because it is vague and not clearly or carefully thought out.
woolly (adj.)
1. Made of soft, thick wool or similar material.
2. Having a texture or appearance like wool.
3. (of thinking or speech) Vague and lacking clarity or precision.
woolly (n.)
1. A garment or other item made of wool.
2. (informal) A woolly mammoth.
1. This wooly sweater is so warm. (这件毛绒衣太保暖了。)
2. Don't be so wooly-headed, think clearly. (不要那么愚蠢,要清晰地思考。)
3. His argument was too wooly to be convincing. (他的论点太模糊了,无法令人信服。)
4. I love the feeling of a wooly blanket on a cold winter night. (我喜欢在寒冷的冬夜里用绒毛毯的感觉。)
1. The sheep has a thick, wooly coat. (那只羊有一层厚厚的毛茸茸的毛。)
2. His sweater is made of wooly material. (他的毛衣是用毛绒材料做的。)
3. The photo was taken with a wooly focus. (这张照片是用模糊镜头拍摄的。)
4. My memory of that event is a bit wooly. (我对那个事件的记忆有点模糊。)
5. The argument he made was wooly and lacked evidence. (他提出的论点毫无逻辑,没有证据支持。)
6. The plan was wooly and poorly organized. (这个计划混乱不堪,组织不善。)
7. I bought a beautiful wooly scarf from the store. (我从商店买了一条漂亮的羊毛围巾。)
8. She knitted a soft wooly blanket for her baby. (她给她的宝宝编织了一条柔软的羊毛毯。)
9. His presentation was full of wooly and baseless claims. (他的演讲充斥着毫无科学根据的论断。)
10. Don't listen to his wooly, nonsensical talk. (不要听他那些无条理、没有意义的话。)
11. I love the feeling of a wooly blanket on a cold winter night. (我喜欢在寒冷的冬夜里用绒毛毯的感觉。)
12. His explanation was so wooly that I couldn't understand it. (他的解释太模糊了,我无法理解。)
13. She wore a wooly hat to keep her head warm. (她戴着一顶羊毛帽保暖。)
14. The wooly mammoth is an extinct species of elephant. (猛犸象是一种已灭绝的大象物种。)
15. The teacher's explanations were too woolly and confusing for the students to understand. (老师的解释对学生来说太模糊和混乱,无法理解。)
16. The woolly caterpillar crawled slowly along the branch. (绒毛虫在树枝上慢慢爬行。)
17. The woolly bear is a common caterpillar found in gardens. (绒毛虫是花园里常见的一种毛毛虫。)
18. The speaker's speech was full of woolly phrases and lacked substance. (演讲者的演讲充斥着模糊的措辞,缺乏实质内容。)
19. The sheep farmer sheared the woolly sheep to collect the wool. (养羊人剪下绒毛羊身上的毛收集羊毛。)
20. The woolly texture of the fabric made it soft and comfortable to touch. (这种绒毛质地的织物触感柔软舒适。)