woodpecker [ˈwʊdˌpɛkər] (复数: woodpeckers) 1. 啄木鸟;啄木鸟科动物形容词
woodpecker [ˈwʊdˌpɛkər] 1. 啄木鸟的词语辨析
- 相关词汇:bird, beak, tree, forest - 用于描述啄木鸟的行为、特征与栖息地的词汇词汇扩充
- 名词:pileated woodpecker, downy woodpecker, red-headed woodpecker - 形容词:woodpecker-like近义词
- 因地区和种类不同,啄木鸟的近义词包括:flicker, sapsucker, wryneck反义词
- 啄木鸟的反义词:non-woodpecker, predator柯林斯词典
名词 1. A woodpecker is a bird that has a stiff tail and a strong pointed beak, and that uses its beak to make holes in tree trunks in order to find insects to eat.啄木鸟
名词 1. A bird with a strong beak and a stiff tail, that climbs tree trunks and branches, using its strong tail and feet to support itself. Many species have a drumming call.啄木鸟
- I saw a woodpecker pecking on a tree trunk. (我看到一只啄木鸟在啄击树干。) - The woodpecker's distinctive call echoed through the forest. (啄木鸟独特的叫声在森林中回荡。)例句
- I spotted a woodpecker in the park this morning. (今天早上我在公园里看到了一只啄木鸟。)
- The woodpecker drilled a hole in the tree to find insects. (啄木鸟在树上钻了个洞以找到昆虫。)
- Woodpeckers have specially adapted beaks for pecking on wood. (啄木鸟有专门适应啄木的喙。)
- The red-headed woodpecker is known for its vibrant plumage. (红头啄木鸟以其鲜艳的羽毛而闻名。)
- Woodpeckers use their stiff tails for support while climbing trees. (啄木鸟在攀爬树木时用硬尾巴作支撑。)
- My garden attracts many woodpeckers due to the abundance of trees. (由于树木丰富,我的花园吸引了许多啄木鸟。)
- The pileated woodpecker is the largest woodpecker species in North America. (巨啄木鸟是北美洲最大的啄木鸟品种。)
- The woodpecker's rhythmic drumming can be heard from a distance. (啄木鸟有规律的敲击声在远处可听到。)
- Woodpeckers have a unique adaptation that allows them to cling to vertical surfaces. (啄木鸟有一种独特的适应性,使它们能够紧贴垂直表面。)
- The woodpecker's pecking can be damaging to trees over time. (长期以来,啄木鸟的啄击可能对树木造成损害。)
- We saw a woodpecker hunting for insects in the forest. (我们在森林里看到了一只啄木鸟正在寻找昆虫。)
- Woodpeckers use their beaks to excavate nesting cavities in tree trunks. (啄木鸟用喙在树干上挖掘巢穴。)
- A woodpecker's tongue is long and sticky, helping it catch insects inside trees. (啄木鸟的舌头又长又黏,帮助它捕捉树内的昆虫。)
- The woodpecker's distinctive red crest makes it easily identifiable. (啄木鸟独特的红色冠羽使其容易识别。)
- Woodpeckers are often associated with forests and wooded areas. (啄木鸟常与森林和树林地带联系在一起。)
- We heard the rhythmic tapping of a woodpecker while hiking in the woods. (我们在森林里徒步行走时听到了啄木鸟有规律的敲击声。)
- Woodpeckers have strong neck muscles to support their pecking motion. (啄木鸟有强壮的颈部肌肉来支撑它们的啄击动作。)
- The downy woodpecker is a small species commonly found in backyard trees. (小啄木鸟是一种常见于后院树木的小型品种。)
- Woodpeckers are known for their ability to drum on resonant surfaces. (啄木鸟以在共鸣表面上敲击的能力而闻名。)
- Woodpeckers play an important role in controlling insect populations in forests. (啄木鸟在控制森林中昆虫种群方面发挥着重要作用。)