word of mouth
word of mouth的形容词形式为word-of-mouth。
1. 形容词意义
2. 形容词用法
word of mouth的名词形式为word-of-mouth。
1. 名词意义
- 口口相传;口碑;口头传播。
- 口头宣传的消息或信息。
2. 名词用法
- 作为不可数名词使用。
- 作为可数名词使用。
word of mouth与rumor(谣言)的区别在于前者强调通过人们之间的口头传播,而后者则指未经证实的消息。
相关词汇:oral communication(口头交流),recommendation(推荐),testimonial(推荐书),hearsay(传闻)。
written communication(书面交流)。
word of mouth (noun)
- If information or a story is passed on by word of mouth, people tell it to each other rather than writing it down.
- If something such as a product or a book becomes popular by word of mouth, people tell each other how good it is rather than it being advertised or discussed in the media.
word of mouth (noun)
- Oral communication; spoken information or opinion.
- Spoken rumors, gossip, or advice.
1. We heard about the new restaurant by word of mouth.
2. The success of the indie film was mainly due to word-of-mouth advertising.
3. The company relied on word of mouth to promote their new product.
4. The word-of-mouth reviews for the play were mixed.
5. They decided to hire him based on the word of mouth recommendations from his previous employers.
- We heard about the new restaurant by word of mouth. 我们是通过口碑获知了这家新餐厅。
- The success of the indie film was mainly due to word-of-mouth advertising. 这部独立电影的成功主要归功于口碑传播。
- The company relied on word of mouth to promote their new product. 公司依靠口碑来推广他们的新产品。
- The word-of-mouth reviews for the play were mixed. 对于这个剧目的口碑评价褒贬不一。
- They decided to hire him based on the word of mouth recommendations from his previous employers. 他们决定雇佣他,基于他之前雇主的口头推荐。
- The news spread by word of mouth and soon everyone knew about it. 这个消息通过口耳相传迅速传开,很快大家都知道了。
- She heard through word of mouth that the concert had been canceled. 她通过口口相传得知音乐会已经取消了。
- The popularity of the book grew by word of mouth as readers recommended it to their friends. 这本书因为读者向朋友推荐而口耳相传,逐渐变得流行起来。
- The company's reputation was built by word of mouth rather than through advertising. 这家公司的声誉是靠口碑而非广告建立起来的。
- The success of the small café was due to the positive word of mouth from satisfied customers. 这家小咖啡馆的成功要归功于满意顾客的正面口碑。
- She decided to see the movie based on the word-of-mouth reviews from her friends. 她根据朋友们的口碑评价决定去看这部电影。
- The news spread like wildfire through word of mouth. 这个消息口耳相传,迅速传播开来。
- They relied on word of mouth recommendations to find a reliable mechanic. 他们依靠口碑推荐找到一个可靠的机械师。
- The success of the product was driven by positive word of mouth from satisfied customers. 这个产品的成功是由于满意顾客的正面口碑推动。
- She heard a rumor by word of mouth that her favorite band was going to have a concert in town. 她通过口耳相传听说她最喜欢的乐队将在城里举办一场音乐会。
- They decided to try the new restaurant based on the word-of-mouth recommendations from their friends. 他们决定尝试这家新餐厅,基于朋友们的口碑推荐。
- The success of the fashion brand was driven by positive word of mouth from influential bloggers. 这个时尚品牌的成功是由有影响力的博主的正面口碑推动的。
- The news spread by word of mouth and soon reached the ears of the entire community. 这个消息通过口耳相传,很快传到了整个社区的耳朵里。
- They decided to book a vacation rental based on the word-of-mouth recommendations from their friends. 他们决定预订度假租赁房,基于朋友们的口碑推荐。
- The success of the app was driven by positive word of mouth from satisfied users. 这个应用的成功是由满意用户的正面口碑推动的。
- The news about the upcoming sale spread by word of mouth and attracted a large crowd. 关于即将来临的折扣销售的消息通过口口相传,吸引了很多人。