1. worried [ˈwʌrid] - 担心的,忧虑的
- She was worried about her son's safety. 她为儿子的安全感到担心。
- The worried look on his face told me something was wrong. 他脸上的担忧表情告诉我出了问题。
2. worn [wɔrn] - 穿旧的,磨损的
- He was wearing a worn out pair of shoes. 他穿着一双破旧的鞋。
- The worn fabric of the couch needed to be replaced. 需要更换沙发上磨损的织物。
1. work [wɜːrk] - 工作,劳动
- She has a lot of work to do before the deadline. 截止日期前她有很多工作要做。
- He is always busy with his work. 他总是忙于工作。
2. world [wɜːrld] - 世界
- The world is full of diverse cultures. 世界上充满了多元文化。
- She dreams of traveling the world. 她梦想周游世界。
work, job, occupation, career
- work 指一般的工作或劳动,可以指任何类型的工作。
- job 通常指一份付薪的工作,特指某个具体的职位或雇佣关系。
- occupation 指某人的职业或行业,常用于官方文件或统计数据中。
- career 指一系列的连续工作,通常指涉及专业技能和职业发展的长期工作。
word, worship, worthy, worse, worst
- word [wɜːrd] - 单词,话语
- worship [ˈwɜːrʃɪp] - 崇拜,敬奉
- worthy [ˈwɜːrði] - 值得的,配得上的
- worse [wɜːrs] - 更糟的
- worst [wɜːrst] - 最坏的
worried, concerned, anxious
- worried 指因为担心或忧虑而感到不安。
- concerned 指对某事或某人感到担心或关心。
- anxious 指对某事或某人感到焦虑或忧虑。
unworried, unconcerned, calm
- unworried 意为“不担心的,不忧虑的”。
- unconcerned 意为“不关心的,不在乎的”。
- calm 意为“平静的,冷静的”。
worried (adj.)
If you are worried about something, you keep thinking about it and are concerned about it.
- I'm worried about my exam results. 我对我的考试成绩感到担心。
- She was worried that she might lose her job. 她担心自己可能会失去工作。
work (noun)
Work is the job that someone does to earn money.
- He's out of work at the moment. 他目前没有工作。
- She's looking for work as a teacher. 她正在寻找一份教师的工作。
worried (adj.)
If you are worried about something, you are unhappy because you think that something bad might happen or because you think that something is not right.
- I'm really worried about my brother. 我真的很担心我的兄弟。
- She's always worried about money. 她总是为钱感到担心。
work (noun)
Work is the job that you do, especially to earn money.
- I have a lot of work to do today. 我今天有很多工作要做。
- He's been out of work for six months. 他已经失业六个月了。
- She is always worried about her children's safety. (她总是为孩子的安全感到担心。)
- We were all worried sick when she didn't come home. (她没回家时,我们都感到非常担心。)
- He's looking for work as a graphic designer. (他正在寻找一份平面设计师的工作。)
- She enjoys her work as a nurse. (她喜欢自己的护士工作。)
- I'm worried about the test results. (我对考试结果感到担心。)
- Don't be worried about the little things. (不要为小事担心。)
- He looked worried when he heard the news. (当他听到这个消息时,他看起来很担心。)
- She has a worried expression on her face. (她脸上带着一副担忧的表情。)
- The worried mother waited anxiously for her son to come home. (担心的母亲焦急地等待儿子回家。)
- His worried eyes betrayed his anxiety. (他那忧虑的眼神泄露了他的焦虑。)
- She was worried sick about her missing cat. (她为她失踪的猫担心得要命。)
- The worried parents called the police when their child didn't come home. (当他们的孩子没有回家时,那对担心的父母报警了。)
- He has a worried look on his face. (他脸上带着一副担忧的表情。)
- The worried students studied late into the night before the exam. (考试前,那些担心的学生熬夜学习到很晚。)
- She's worried that she won't pass the exam. (她担心自己会考不及格。)
- The worried teacher called the parents to discuss the student's behavior. (那位担心的老师打电话给家长,讨论学生的行为。)
- He gave her a worried look and asked if she was okay. (他给了她一个担忧的表情,问她是否没事。)
- The worried mother hugged her child tightly. (那位担心的母亲紧紧地抱着她的孩子。)
- He had a worried tone in his voice. (他说话的语气中带着一丝担忧。)
- She was worried sick about her upcoming presentation. (她对即将到来的演讲感到非常担心。)
- The worried father paced back and forth in the waiting room. (那位担心的父亲在等候室里来回踱步。)
- He couldn't sleep because he was too worried about the meeting. (他因为对会议太担心而无法入睡。)
- She felt worried and anxious before her performance. (在演出前,她感到担心和焦虑。)
- The worried students gathered to study together for the final exam. (为了期末考试,那些担心的学生聚在一起学习。)
- He has a worried expression on his face. (他脸上带着一副担忧的表情。)