形容词 (Adjective)
名词 (Noun)
与yimo相关的词汇有:消沉 (xiāochén) - depression; dejectedness
相关的词语有:忧郁 (yōuyù) - melancholy; gloomy
近义词 (Synonyms)
反义词 (Antonyms)
柯林斯词典 (Collins Dictionary)
yimo (形容词) - sad; melancholy; depressed
yimo (名词) - melancholy; depression
牛津词典 (Oxford Dictionary)
yimo (形容词) - sad; melancholy
1. 我感到很yimo,不知道该怎么办。
I feel very melancholy and don't know what to do.
2. 这个小村庄非常yimo,很少有人知道。
This small village is very obscure, few people know about it.
3. 她的生活过得太yimo了,需要一些改变。
Her life is too monotonous and needs some change.
- 他的失业让他变得非常yimo。
- His unemployment made him very melancholy.
- 她总是一个yimo的人,很少与人交流。
- She is always an obscure person, rarely interacting with others.
- 这个地方的生活非常yimo,没有什么娱乐活动。
- The life in this place is very dull, with no entertainment activities.
- 我感到有些yimo,不知道如何应对这个困难。
- I feel a bit down and don't know how to deal with this difficulty.
- 这部电影是一个yimo的故事,描述了一个人的孤独和内心的痛苦。
- This movie is a melancholic story, depicting someone's loneliness and inner pain.
- 她的歌声传达出一种yimo的情感,令人陷入深思。
- Her singing conveys a melancholic emotion that makes people contemplate.
- 在这个yimo的天气里,我觉得心情也变得很低落。
- In this melancholy weather, I feel my mood also becomes low.
- 他的音乐总是充满了yimo的色彩,引发听众的共鸣。
- His music is always filled with melancholic hues, resonating with the audience.
- 这个城市的夜晚总是显得很yimo,缺乏生气和活力。
- The nights in this city always appear very melancholy, lacking vitality and liveliness.
- 即使在人群中,他仍然感到非常yimo和孤独。
- Even in the crowd, he still feels very melancholy and lonely.
- 她的画作中透露出一种yimo的氛围,引发人们对生命的思考。
- Her paintings exude a melancholic atmosphere, provoking people to contemplate on life.
- 这首歌曲的歌词充满了yimo的情感,引起了听众的共鸣。
- The lyrics of this song are full of melancholic emotions, resonating with the listeners.
- 他一直处于一种yimo的状态,需要寻找一些乐趣。
- He has been in a state of melancholy and needs to find some enjoyment.
- 她的眼神透露出一种yimo的情绪,令人心生怜悯。
- Her eyes reveal a melancholic emotion that evokes pity.
- 在这个yimo的季节里,人们常常感到疲倦和沮丧。
- In this melancholic season, people often feel tired and discouraged.
- 他的书籍总是充满了yimo的氛围,让读者陷入思考。
- His books are always filled with a melancholic atmosphere, immersing readers in contemplation.
- 这个地方的氛围非常yimo,没有什么乐趣可言。
- The atmosphere in this place is very melancholy, there is no fun to be had.
- 我不知道为什么,总是感到一种yimo和无法释怀的情绪。
- I don't know why, but I always feel a melancholic and unresolved emotion.
- 她的话语中透露出一丝yimo,令人心生怜悯。
- There is a touch of melancholy in her words, evoking pity.
- 在这个yimo的地方,人们很少有机会展现自己的才华。
- In this obscure place, people rarely have the opportunity to showcase their talents.