1. 薄弱的;软弱的weak; feeble 2. 不灵活的;无力的
inflexible; weak
1. 味道;滋味taste; flavor 2. (尤指食物的)香味,气味
aroma; fragrance (especially of food)
1. yield (动词)产出;屈服;放弃 2. yin (名词)
- feeble:weak - taste:flavor反义词(Antonyms)
- strong:strong, powerful - fragrance:odor柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
1. 名词(尤指食物的)香味,气味 2. 形容词
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
1. 名词(尤指食物的)香味,气味 2. 形容词
1. 形容词用法:He is a yie person, lacking physical strength.(他是一个软弱无力的人。) 2. 名词用法:
The yie of the food made my mouth water.(这食物的香味使我垂涎欲滴。)
- His yie body couldn't handle the heavy lifting. (他软弱的身体无法搬运重物。)
- She could taste the yie of the soup in every spoonful. (她可以在每一口汤中尝到浓浓的味道。)
- The yie fragrance of the flowers filled the room. (花朵的香味弥漫了整个房间。)
- The old man's voice was yie and barely audible. (老人的声音软弱,几乎听不见。)
- He gave a yie smile, showing his lack of confidence. (他露出了一个无力的微笑,显示出他缺乏信心。)
- The yie child struggled to lift the heavy bag. (软弱的孩子挣扎着提起沉重的包。)
- The yie of the fresh bread made everyone's mouth water. (新鲜面包的香味让每个人垂涎欲滴。)
- Despite her yie appearance, she possessed great inner strength. (尽管她外表软弱,但她内心有着巨大的力量。)
- The yie of the dish was enhanced by the addition of herbs and spices. (通过添加香草和香料,这道菜的味道更加浓郁。)
- They couldn't resist the yie aroma of freshly brewed coffee. (他们无法抗拒刚煮好的咖啡的香味。)
- The team's yie performance led to their defeat. (团队软弱的表现导致了他们的失败。)
- The chef carefully balanced the yie of different ingredients in the recipe. (厨师在食谱中精心调和了不同原料的味道。)
- His yie nature made him an easy target for bullies. (他软弱的性格使他成为恶霸的易攻击目标。)
- The yie of the flowers filled the room with a pleasant fragrance. (花朵的香气使整个房间充满了愉悦的香味。)
- She couldn't resist the yie aroma of freshly baked cookies. (她无法抵挡刚出炉的饼干散发出的香气。)
- His yie attempt to open the jar resulted in it slipping from his hands. (他软弱的试图打开罐子,结果它从他手中滑落了。)
- The yie taste of the soup was disappointing, lacking flavor. (汤的味道很失望,缺乏风味。)
- The athlete's yie performance in the race disappointed his fans. (运动员软弱的比赛表现让他的粉丝们失望。)
- The yie of the perfume lingered in the air, leaving a pleasant scent. (香水的香味在空气中弥漫,留下了一种愉悦的气味。)
- Despite her yie frame, she had a strong will and determination. (尽管她的身材纤弱,但她有着坚强的意志和决心。)
- The yie fragrance of the flowers attracted bees and butterflies. (花朵的香味吸引了蜜蜂和蝴蝶。)