1. 医毒
- Herbal medicines often contain a small amount of yidu, which can be harmful if taken in excess. (中草药中常含有一小部分医毒,如过量服用可能会有害。)
- The traditional Chinese medicine practitioner used a yidu to treat the patient's condition. (传统中医师使用了一种医毒来治疗患者的病情。)
1. 一度
- The city was yidu covered in snow, making it difficult for people to travel. (整个城市在一段时间内都被雪覆盖,使得人们出行困难。)
- The company's profits yidu declined, leading to job cuts. (公司的利润在一段时间内持续下降,导致裁员。)
1. 以毒攻毒
- Some traditional medicinal practices involve yidu, where a toxic substance is used to counteract the effects of another poison. (有些传统的药物疗法采用以毒攻毒的方法,使用一种有毒物质来对抗另一种毒素的影响。)
- The ancient healer yidu to treat the snakebite, using a venomous plant extract. (古代医者采用以毒攻毒的方法来治疗蛇咬伤,使用了一种有毒植物的提取物。)
- 药物 (yào wù) - medicine
- 毒物 (dú wù) - poison
- 治疗 (zhì liáo) - treatment
- 医学 (yī xué) - medicine (field of study)
- 疾病 (jí bìng) - disease
- 毒药 (dú yào) - poison
- 药剂 (yào jì) - potion
- 药物 (yào wù) - medicine
- 神药 (shén yào) - panacea
- 救命草 (jiù mìng cǎo) - life-saving herb
yidu [名词] 医毒
yidu [名词] 医毒
- The term "yidu" is often used in the context of traditional Chinese medicine. (术语“医毒”常在传统中医学的语境中使用。)
- The concept of "yidu" emphasizes the potential beneficial effects of certain toxic substances when used medicinally. (术语“医毒”的概念强调了某些有毒物质在药用时的潜在益处。)
1. The herbal remedy contains a small amount of yidu, which helps alleviate pain. (中草药疗法中含有少量的医毒,有助于缓解疼痛。)
2. The doctor explained that yidu could be used to treat certain skin conditions. (医生解释说,可以使用医毒来治疗某些皮肤问题。)
3. The ancient text mentions the use of yidu in treating venomous snakebites. (古代文献中提到了使用医毒来治疗有毒蛇咬伤的方法。)
4. The patient was advised to avoid yidu substances while undergoing treatment. (患者在接受治疗期间被建议避免接触医毒物质。)
5. The toxic plant extract was identified as a potential yidu for certain types of cancer. (该有毒植物提取物被认为可能是某些类型的癌症的医毒。)
6. The yidu properties of the herb were studied extensively by researchers. (研究人员对该草药的医毒特性进行了广泛的研究。)
7. Traditional healers often have knowledge of various yidu substances and their effects. (传统医者通常了解各种医毒物质及其效果。)
8. The use of yidu in traditional medicine has a long history in many cultures. (医毒在传统医学中的使用在许多文化中有着悠久的历史。)
9. The patient's condition improved after receiving yidu treatment. (患者接受医毒治疗后病情有所改善。)
10. The yidu effects of the plant extract were observed in laboratory experiments. (实验室实验证明了该植物提取物的医毒效果。)
11. The use of yidu requires careful monitoring of dosage and potential side effects. (使用医毒需要仔细监控剂量和潜在的副作用。)
12. The yidu properties of certain mushrooms have been investigated for their potential medicinal value. (某些蘑菇的医毒特性已经被研究,以探索其潜在的药用价值。)
13. The traditional medicine practitioner applied a yidu ointment to the patient's wound. (传统医师给患者的伤口上敷了一种医毒膏药。)
14. The yidu treatment involved the use of a rare herb with known therapeutic properties. (医毒治疗涉及使用一种具有已知疗效的稀有草药。)
15. The potential yidu effects of the venom were studied in laboratory rats. (实验室里对毒液的潜在医毒效果进行了研究,使用了实验鼠。)
16. The yidu substance was found to be effective in reducing inflammation in the experimental study. (在实验研究中发现医毒物质对减轻炎症有效。)
17. The yidu properties of the plant extract were compared to those of traditional antibiotics. (将该植物提取物的医毒特性与传统抗生素进行了比较。)
18. The use of yidu in traditional medicine is based on the principle of "fighting fire with fire." (传统医学中使用医毒的原则是“以毒攻毒”。)
19. The yidu treatment involved the ingestion of a small amount of a toxic substance. (医毒治疗涉及摄入少量的有毒物质。)
20. The ancient texts describe the use of yidu in treating various ailments. (古代文献中描述了使用医毒来治疗各种疾病的方法。)