1. 聪明的;机智的 2. 有天赋的;有才华的词语辨析
1. 聪明的(intelligent):指智力高,善于思考、理解和解决问题。
2. 机智的(clever):指反应快,善于应对和解决问题。
3. 有天赋的(talented):指在某个特定领域有天赋或才能。
1. 智力(intelligence)
2. 才华(talent)
3. 聪明才智(wit)
1. 聪明的人;机智的人 2. 有天赋的人;有才华的人词语辨析
1. 聪明的人(intelligent person):指智力高,善于思考、理解和解决问题的人。
2. 机智的人(clever person):指反应快,善于应对和解决问题的人。
3. 有天赋的人(talented person):指在某个特定领域有天赋或才能的人。
1. 智者(intellectual)
2. 才子/才女(prodigy)
3. 聪明人(smart person)
柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
zeki (adjective)
牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
zeki (adjective)
1. 老师认为他是个zeki的学生。
The teacher thinks he is a smart student.
2. 她是个非常zeki的艺术家。
She is a very talented artist.
3. 这个小男孩非常zeki,总能给出出乎意料的答案。
The little boy is very clever and always comes up with unexpected answers.
4. 她是一个非常zeki的商业领袖,已经成功地领导了多个企业。
She is a highly talented business leader who has successfully led multiple companies.
1. 他是个zeki的研究员,他的发现引起了广泛的关注。
He is a smart researcher and his findings have attracted wide attention.
2. 我妹妹很zeki,她在学校总是取得好成绩。
My younger sister is very clever and always gets good grades at school.
3. 这位年轻的音乐家是个真正的zeki,他在钢琴上的天赋令人惊叹。
The young musician is a true talent, his piano skills are amazing.
4. 这个科学家被认为是该领域的zeki。
This scientist is considered a genius in his field.
5. 她是一个非常zeki的演员,她的表演总是令人印象深刻。
She is a highly talented actress and her performances are always impressive.
6. 他是一个非常zeki的企业家,他的公司取得了巨大的成功。
He is a highly gifted entrepreneur and his company has achieved great success.
7. 这个年轻的设计师是个非常zeki的人,他的作品充满了创意。
The young designer is a very creative person and his works are full of innovation.
8. 他的成功不仅源于他的勤奋,也源于他的zeki。
His success is not only due to his hard work, but also to his intelligence.
9. 这位医生以其zeki和敏锐的观察能力而闻名。
The doctor is well-known for his sharp and perceptive observation skills.
10. 我的朋友是一个非常zeki的翻译,她可以流利地翻译多种语言。
My friend is a very skilled translator who can fluently translate multiple languages.
11. 他的zeki和领导能力使他成为一个出色的团队领导者。
His intelligence and leadership skills make him an excellent team leader.
12. 这个年轻的科学家被认为是未来的zeki。
The young scientist is considered a genius of the future.
13. 她是一位zeki的教育家,她的教学方法备受学生喜爱。
She is a smart educator and her teaching methods are highly appreciated by students.
14. 这个小男孩是个非常zeki的数学家,他在数学竞赛中总是获奖。
The little boy is a very talented mathematician and always wins prizes in math competitions.
15. 她是一个非常zeki的演讲者,她的演讲充满了智慧和洞察力。
She is a highly intelligent speaker and her speeches are filled with wisdom and insight.
16. 这位年轻的艺术家是个真正的zeki,他的作品展示了他的创造力和天赋。
The young artist is a true talent and his works showcase his creativity and talent.
17. 这个科学家被公认为是该领域的zeki。
This scientist is recognized as a genius in his field.
18. 她是一个非常zeki的歌手,她的声音令人陶醉。
She is a highly talented singer and her voice is enchanting.
19. 他是一个非常zeki的企业家,他的公司在市场上取得了巨大的成功。
He is a highly gifted entrepreneur and his company has achieved tremendous success in the market.
20. 这个年轻的设计师是个非常zeki的人,他的作品充满了创意和独特性。
The young designer is a very creative person and his works are full of innovation and uniqueness.