zebracrossing [adjective] (British English) - used to describe something that is related to or characteristic of a zebra crossing, which is a marked pedestrian crossing on a road.例句:
1. Please be careful when you drive near the zebracrossing.请在驶近斑马线时小心驾驶。 2. The car stopped at the zebracrossing to let the pedestrians cross.
zebracrossing [noun] (British English) - a marked pedestrian crossing on a road, typically with black and white stripes resembling those of a zebra.词语辨析:
- pedestrian crossing: a general term for a designated area on a road where pedestrians can cross safely. It can include different types of crossings, such as zebra crossings, pelican crossings, etc.词汇扩充:
- marked crosswalk: a term used in American English to refer to a designated area on a road where pedestrians can cross safely. It is equivalent to a "zebracrossing" in British English.近义词:
- crosswalk: a designated area on a road where pedestrians can cross safely.反义词:
- unmarked crosswalk: a crossing point on a road that is not marked with painted lines. Pedestrians still have the right of way, but drivers may be less aware of their presence.柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary):
zebracrossing (noun) - a marked area on a road where vehicles must stop to allow people to cross.牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary):
zebracrossing (noun) - a place on a road, especially one where it is painted with broad black and white lines, where vehicles must stop if people want to cross the road.用法:
- Please use the zebracrossing to safely cross the road.请使用斑马线安全地过马路。 - The driver was fined for not stopping at the zebracrossing.
例句(Bilingual Example Sentences):
- We need to cross the road at the zebracrossing.
- 我们需要在斑马线处过马路。
- Look both ways before crossing the zebracrossing.
- 过斑马线前要向两边看。
- The traffic stopped to allow the children to cross the zebracrossing.
- 交通停下来让孩子们过斑马线。
- Always use the zebracrossing when crossing the road.
- 过马路时请始终使用斑马线。
- The pedestrian was hit by a car while crossing the zebracrossing.
- 行人在过斑马线时被车撞到。
- The zebracrossing is painted with black and white stripes.
- 斑马线上绘有黑白相间的条纹。
- Drivers should always stop for pedestrians at a zebracrossing.
- 司机应该始终在斑马线处为行人停车。
- There is a zebracrossing just ahead, so be prepared to stop.
- 前方有一个斑马线,请准备停车。
- Do not cross the road except at a designated zebracrossing.
- 除非在指定的斑马线处,否则不要过马路。
- The driver failed to yield to the pedestrian at the zebracrossing.
- 司机未在斑马线处让行人先行。
- Children should be taught to use the zebracrossing responsibly.
- 应教育孩子负责任地使用斑马线。
- Many accidents occur when pedestrians do not use the zebracrossing.
- 当行人不使用斑马线时,很多事故会发生。
- The city council installed new zebracrossings to improve pedestrian safety.
- 市政厅安装了新的斑马线以提高行人安全。
- The driver was fined for driving through a zebracrossing.
- 司机因驶过斑马线被罚款。
- Always be cautious when approaching a zebracrossing.
- 靠近斑马线时请始终保持谨慎。
- Many pedestrians choose to jaywalk instead of using the zebracrossing.
- 许多行人选择在没有使用斑马线的情况下横穿马路。
- The zebracrossing is clearly marked with white lines.
- 斑马线用白线明确标注。
- Drivers should always give way to pedestrians at a zebracrossing.
- 司机应始终在斑马线处给行人让路。
- She waited patiently at the zebracrossing for the traffic to stop.
- 她在斑马线处耐心等待交通停下来。
- When using a zebracrossing, pedestrians have the right of way.
- 使用斑马线时,行人有优先通行权。