zephyr [ˈzɛfər] 1. (文学、诗歌) 西风; 和风 2. (英国) 斯沃茨公司制造的一种轻便折叠车 3. (美国) 极为轻盈的织物形容词
zephyr-like [ˈzɛfər-laɪk] 1. 如和风般的; 轻盈的 2. 和风一样的词语辨析
名词 "zephyr" 指的是文学和诗歌中的西风,和风。在英国,"zephyr" 还可以指代斯沃茨公司制造的一种轻便折叠车,而在美国,则指一种极为轻盈的织物。形容词 "zephyr-like" 描述的是和风般的、轻盈的特征。词汇扩充
1. zephyrous [ˈzɛfərəs] (形容词): 和风的,西风的 2. zephyrless [ˈzɛfərlɪs] (形容词): 没有和风的,缺乏活力的 3. zephyrish [ˈzɛfərɪʃ] (形容词): 轻快的,轻柔的近义词
gentle breeze, light wind, soft wind反义词
gale, storm, tempest柯林斯词典
zephyr [ˈzɛfər] 名词 1. (文学、诗歌) 西风; 和风 2. (英国) 斯沃茨公司制造的一种轻便折叠车 3. (美国) 极为轻盈的织物牛津词典
zephyr [ˈzɛfər] 名词 1. (文学、诗歌) 西风; 和风 2. (英国) 斯沃茨公司制造的一种轻便折叠车 3. (美国) 极为轻盈的织物用法
- The zephyr gently rustled the leaves on the trees. (名词) - She wore a zephyr-like dress that floated in the breeze. (形容词) - He enjoys cycling on his zephyr bike. (名词) - The curtains were made of a delicate zephyr fabric. (名词)相关例句
- The zephyr blew softly, carrying the scent of flowers.(和风轻轻吹过,带着花香。)
- She wore a zephyr dress that fluttered in the wind.(她穿着一件在风中轻盈飘动的和风连衣裙。)
- The cyclists enjoyed the zephyr breeze as they rode along the coast.(骑自行车的人们在沿海骑行时享受着和风微风。)
- He unfolded his zephyr bike and started pedaling.(他展开了他的斯沃茨折叠车,开始踩踏。)
- The lightweight fabric of the dress felt like a zephyr against her skin.(连衣裙的轻盈面料感觉像和风一样抚摸着她的皮肤。)
- We could hear the sound of the zephyr as it rustled through the trees.(我们能听到和风穿过树林时的声音。)
- They enjoyed a picnic in the park, basking in the warmth of the zephyr sun.(他们在公园里野餐,享受着和风阳光的温暖。)
- The zephyr-like breeze carried the scent of the ocean.(如和风般的微风带着海洋的香气。)
- The curtains were made of a delicate zephyr fabric that fluttered in the wind.(窗帘是由一种在风中飘动的精致和风面料制成的。)
- He rode his zephyr bike along the coastal path, enjoying the beautiful scenery.(他沿着沿海小径骑着他的斯沃茨自行车,享受着美丽的风景。)
- The zephyr brought relief from the heat on that summer day.(那个夏日,和风给人们带来了凉爽。)
- The fabric of the dress was so light and soft, it felt like a zephyr against her skin.(连衣裙的面料非常轻盈柔软,感觉像和风般抚摸着她的皮肤。)
- The zephyr-like breeze carried the scent of flowers through the open window.(如和风般的微风透过敞开的窗户带来了花香。)
- She pedaled her zephyr bike along the country road, enjoying the fresh air.(她踩踏着她的斯沃茨自行车沿着乡间小路骑行,享受着新鲜空气。)
- The zephyr fabric used for the curtains was light and airy.(窗帘所使用的和风面料轻盈通风。)
- The zephyr gently swayed the branches of the trees.(和风轻轻摇摆着树枝。)
- She wore a flowing dress that moved like a zephyr as she walked.(她穿着一件在她走动时像和风一样流动的长裙。)
- The zephyr breeze carried the sound of laughter from the nearby park.(和风微风将附近公园里的笑声带来。)
- The lightweight zephyr fabric was perfect for the summer dress.(轻盈的和风面料非常适合夏季连衣裙。)
- The zephyr-like wind rustled the leaves on the trees.(如和风般的微风拂动着树叶。)