1. zygote: - 中文翻译:受精卵 - 词性:名词 - 定义:受精卵是精子和卵子结合后形成的细胞,是生物发育的起点。形容词
1. zygotic: - 中文翻译:受精的 - 词性:形容词 - 定义:指与受精卵或受精作用相关的。词语辨析
1. embryo: - 中文翻译:胚胎 - 定义:指在受精卵形成后,但尚未发育成完全形态的个体。 2. fetus: - 中文翻译:胎儿 - 定义:指在动物或人类发育过程中,从胚胎发育到妊娠期结束前的个体。词汇扩充
1. fertilization: - 中文翻译:受精 - 定义:指精子和卵子结合形成受精卵的过程。 2. mitosis: - 中文翻译:有丝分裂 - 定义:指细胞分裂的一种方式,产生两个具有相同遗传信息的子细胞。近义词
1. conceptus: - 中文翻译:概念 - 定义:指受精卵或胚胎发育的整个过程。 2. fertilized egg: - 中文翻译:受精卵 - 定义:指受精过程中形成的卵子。反义词
1. sperm: - 中文翻译:精子 - 定义:指生殖细胞中的男性细胞,通过与卵子结合来受精卵。 2. ovum: - 中文翻译:卵子 - 定义:指生殖细胞中的女性细胞,通过与精子结合来形成受精卵。柯林斯词典
- Zygote is the cell that is formed when two gametes unite at fertilization. - 受精卵是在受精过程中两个配子结合形成的细胞。牛津词典
- A zygote is an egg that has been fertilized by a sperm. - 受精卵是被精子受精的卵子。用法
- The zygote undergoes multiple divisions to form an embryo. - 受精卵经历多次分裂形成胚胎。 - The zygotic stage is the earliest stage of development. - 受精阶段是发育的最早阶段。 - The zygote contains a unique combination of genetic material from both parents. - 受精卵包含了父母双方独特的遗传物质组合。例句
- The zygote divides and develops into an embryo. 受精卵分裂并发育成胚胎。
- The zygotic genes control early development. 受精卵基因控制着早期的发育。
- The zygote implants itself into the uterine wall. 受精卵将自己植入子宫壁。
- During fertilization, the sperm fuses with the ovum to form a zygote. 在受精过程中,精子与卵子融合形成受精卵。
- The zygotic stage is crucial for the development of an organism. 受精阶段对于生物的发育至关重要。
- The zygotic genome is activated during early embryonic development. 受精卵基因组在胚胎早期发育过程中被激活。
- The zygote undergoes rapid cell division to form a blastocyst. 受精卵经历快速的细胞分裂形成囊胚。
- In humans, the zygote implants itself in the uterus approximately 6-7 days after fertilization. 在人类中,受精卵大约在受精后6-7天将自己植入子宫。
- The zygote contains the complete set of genetic instructions for the development of an individual. 受精卵包含了一个个体发育的完整遗传指令。
- The zygote undergoes a series of cell divisions to form an embryo with specialized tissues. 受精卵经历一系列的细胞分裂形成具有特殊组织的胚胎。
- After fertilization, the zygote travels through the fallopian tube to reach the uterus. 受精后,受精卵通过输卵管前往子宫。
- The zygote receives nutrients from the mother's bloodstream through the placenta. 受精卵通过胎盘从母体的血液中获得营养。
- The zygote contains half of the genetic material from the sperm and half from the ovum. 受精卵包含一半来自精子的遗传物质和一半来自卵子的遗传物质。
- If the zygote fails to implant, it will be expelled from the body during menstruation. 如果受精卵无法植入,它将在月经期间从体内排出。
- The zygote undergoes a process of cell differentiation to develop into a multicellular organism. 受精卵经历细胞分化的过程,发育成多细胞生物。
- The zygote contains the full set of chromosomes required for the development of an individual. 受精卵包含了个体发育所需的全部染色体。
- The zygote begins to divide shortly after fertilization. 受精卵在受精后不久开始分裂。
- In vitro fertilization involves the fertilization of an ovum by a sperm outside the body to form a zygote. 体外受精是指在体外使卵子被精子受精形成受精卵。
- The zygote undergoes rapid cell division to form a morula, which later develops into a blastocyst. 受精卵经历快速的细胞分裂形成团块胚,后来发育成囊胚。
- The zygote contains the genetic information necessary for the development of a new individual. 受精卵包含了发育新个体所需的遗传信息。
- The zygote undergoes a process called cleavage, where it divides into multiple cells. 受精卵经历一种称为分裂的过程,其中它分裂成多个细胞。
- The zygote develops into a blastocyst before implanting into the uterine wall. 受精卵在植入子宫壁之前发育成囊胚。