discusses (动词)
- discusses (形容词):讨论的,谈论的
- discussion: 讨论,谈论
discusses 和 talks about 的区别在于前者强调更深入的交流和思考,而后者更侧重于简短的谈话或提及。
相关动词:debate (辩论),converse (交谈),confer (商讨)
相关名词:conversation (对话),dialogue (对话),exchange (交流)
talks about, debates, converses, confers
ignores, avoids
discusses (动词)
1. If you discuss something, you talk about it, often in order to reach a decision.
- He discussed his problems with a psychiatrist.
- They discussed what to do next.
- We need to discuss this issue further.
2. If you discuss something such as a plan or proposal, you talk about it, consider it carefully, and make a decision about it.
- The committee will discuss the report.
- The government will discuss a new plan of action.
- We need to discuss this matter with our colleagues.
discusses (动词)
If you discuss something, you talk about it, often in order to reach a decision.
- The committee will discuss the issue.
- The two leaders discussed the matter in detail.
- We need to discuss this proposal further.
1. discusses 是动词,可用于正式和非正式场合。
2. 可以用于讨论具体的问题、计划、提案等。
3. 可以与人物、组织、团队等作为宾语。
- He discusses his problems with a psychiatrist. 他与精神科医生讨论了他的问题。
- We need to discuss this issue further. 我们需要进一步讨论这个问题。
- The committee will discuss the report. 委员会将讨论这份报告。
- They discussed what to do next. 他们讨论了下一步该怎么做。
- The two leaders discussed the matter in detail. 两位领导详细讨论了这个问题。
- We need to discuss this matter with our colleagues. 我们需要与同事讨论这个问题。
- The government will discuss a new plan of action. 政府将讨论一项新的行动计划。
- Let's discuss the pros and cons of this proposal. 让我们讨论一下这个提案的利弊。
- She discussed her research findings at the conference. 她在会议上讨论了她的研究结果。
- The team gathered to discuss their strategy for the upcoming game. 团队聚集起来讨论即将到来的比赛的策略。
- They had a lengthy discussion about the project's budget. 他们对项目的预算进行了长时间的讨论。
- The professor discussed various theories in his lecture. 教授在讲座中讨论了各种理论。
- During the meeting, they discussed the potential risks and benefits of the new investment. 在会议上,他们讨论了新投资的潜在风险和利益。
- She always enjoys discussing books with her friends. 她总是喜欢和朋友们讨论书籍。
- The teacher discussed the importance of teamwork with the students. 老师与学生讨论了团队合作的重要性。
- They sat down to discuss the terms of the contract. 他们坐下来讨论合同的条款。
- The group discussed possible solutions to the problem. 小组讨论了解决问题的可能方案。
- He discussed the implications of the new law in his article. 他在文章中讨论了新法律的影响。
- They regularly meet to discuss industry trends and developments. 他们定期会面讨论行业趋势和发展。
- The manager discussed the upcoming project with his team. 经理与他的团队讨论了即将到来的项目。