1. slow词义:慢的,迟缓的
- He walked with a slow pace.
- 他走得很慢。
1. slowness词义:慢,迟缓
- The slowness of the internet connection frustrated her.
- 网络连接的迟缓让她感到沮丧。
1. sluggishness词义:迟钝,行动缓慢
- The sluggishness of the economy has led to job losses.
- 经济的迟缓导致了失业。
- Her constant tardiness made her boss angry.
- 她经常迟到让她的老板生气。
1. delay词义:延迟,耽搁
- The flight was delayed due to bad weather.
- 由于恶劣天气,航班延误了。
- His procrastination in completing assignments resulted in poor grades.
- 他拖延完成作业导致了低分。
1. slowness: tardiness, sluggishness2. slow: unhurried, leisurely
3. delay: postponement, deferment
1. slowness: speed, swiftness2. slow: fast, quick
3. delay: promptness, punctuality
词义:the quality or state of being slow牛津词典
词义:the quality or state of being slow用法
1. The slowness of the internet connection is frustrating.网络连接的迟缓令人沮丧。 2. The slowness of his movements indicated his fatigue.
他动作迟缓表明他很疲惫。 3. The slowness of the traffic caused delays.
交通的拥堵导致了延误。 4. I can't stand the slowness of this computer.
我无法忍受这台电脑的缓慢。 5. The slowness of the process is hindering our progress.
过程的缓慢妨碍了我们的进展。 6. Despite the slowness of the train, I enjoyed the scenic view.
尽管火车行驶缓慢,我还是享受了美景。 7. The slowness of the turtle amused the children.
乌龟的慢速逗乐了孩子们。 8. The slowness of her speech made it difficult to understand her.
她说话的迟缓使人难以理解。 9. The slowness of his reaction cost him the game.
他反应迟钝让他输掉了比赛。 10. The slowness of the service at the restaurant was frustrating.
餐厅的服务迟缓令人沮丧。 11. The slowness of the computer program was due to a bug.
电脑程序的缓慢是由于一个错误。 12. The slowness of the car's acceleration was disappointing.
汽车的加速度慢令人失望。 13. The slowness of his progress in learning the language was discouraging.
他学习语言的进展缓慢让人感到泄气。 14. The slowness of the clock's hands made time seem to drag.
时钟指针的缓慢让时间似乎变得漫长。 15. The slowness of the snail's movement fascinated the child.
蜗牛的行动缓慢让孩子着迷。 16. The slowness of his decision-making process caused delays in the project.
他决策过程的迟缓导致了项目的延误。 17. The slowness of the train's arrival made us late for the meeting.
火车的到达延误让我们迟到了会议。 18. The slowness of the internet connection affected the quality of the video call.
网络连接的迟缓影响了视频通话的质量。 19. The slowness of the website's loading time frustrated the users.
网站加载时间的缓慢让用户感到沮丧。 20. The slowness of his speech made it difficult to stay engaged in the conversation.