common name
A common name is a name that is used to refer to a particular thing or person, especially when it is different from their real or official name.
- Her real name was Elizabeth, but she was known by her common name, Lizzy.
- Many people know him by his common name, but his official name is Robert.
If something has a common name, it means that the name is widely used and understood by most people.
- The common name for the animal is turtle.
- What is the common name for this plant?
common name vs. proper name
A common name is a name that is commonly used to refer to something, while a proper name is the specific name that identifies a particular thing or person.
- John is a common name, but his proper name is Johnathan.
- The common name for this flower is daisy, but its proper name is Bellis perennis.
commonly (adverb): in a way that is usual or typical.
commonness (noun): the state or quality of being common.
generic name, usual name, popular name
official name, proper name
Collins Dictionary
A common name is a name shared by all or many members of a group, as opposed to a proper name.
Oxford Dictionary
A common name is a name that is generally used to refer to a person, place, or thing, rather than their official or proper name.
(of a name) not derived from the name of a particular family, place, or other source, but applicable to all members of a class or category.
- What is the common name for this bird? (这种鸟的俗名是什么?)
- The common name for this fish is bass. (这种鱼的通俗名称是鲈鱼。)
- Her common name is Lily, but her full name is Elizabeth. (她的常用名字是莉莉,但她的全名是伊丽莎白。)
- Do you know the common name for this tree? (你知道这棵树的普通名称吗?)
- The common name for this medication is aspirin. (这种药物的普通名称是阿司匹林。)
- His common name is Jack, but his official name is John. (他的通用名字是杰克,但他的正式名字是约翰。)
- Is there a common name for this type of flower? (有没有这种类型花的通俗名称?)
- The common name for this insect is ladybug. (这种昆虫的通俗名称是瓢虫。)
- John Smith is a common name in English-speaking countries. (约翰·史密斯是英语国家中一个常见的名字。)
- What is the common name for this vegetable? (这种蔬菜的俗名是什么?)
- The common name for this dog breed is Labrador Retriever. (这种狗的通俗名称是拉布拉多猎犬。)
- His common name is Tom, but his friends call him Tommy. (他的常用名字是汤姆,但他的朋友叫他汤米。)
- Do you know the common name for this fish species? (你知道这种鱼类的通俗名称吗?)
- The common name for this fruit is apple. (这种水果的通俗名称是苹果。)
- The common name for this plant is sunflower. (这种植物的通俗名称是向日葵。)
- What is the common name for this type of lizard? (这种蜥蜴的通俗名称是什么?)
- The common name for this tool is hammer. (这种工具的通俗名称是锤子。)
- Her common name is Sarah, but her official name is Sarah Jane. (她的常用名字是莎拉,但她的正式名字是莎拉·简。)
- The common name for this bird is sparrow. (这种鸟的通俗名称是麻雀。)
- What is the common name for this type of tree? (这种树的俗名是什么?)