1. 协处理器(计算机) - 词义:一种辅助中央处理器(CPU)执行特定任务的芯片或模块。 - 词语辨析:与中央处理器(CPU)相配合,协同进行高速运算或处理特定类型的数据。 - 词汇扩充:无 - 近义词:math coprocessor, numeric coprocessor - 反义词:main processor, CPU 2. 辅助处理器(电子学) - 词义:在电子系统中用于辅助执行某些特定任务的处理器。 - 词语辨析:在特定领域或特定任务中,通过与主处理器协同工作,提高整体性能或功能。 - 词汇扩充:无 - 近义词:auxiliary processor, secondary processor - 反义词:main processor柯林斯词典(Collins Dictionary)
coprocessor (noun) 1. 在计算机中,协处理器是一种设计用于处理特定任务的芯片。 2. 在电子计算中,辅助处理器是一种用于处理特定任务的处理器。牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)
coprocessor (noun) 1. 协处理器:一种与中央处理器(CPU)配合工作的芯片,可执行特定任务。 2. 辅助处理器:在电子设备中用于辅助执行某些特定任务的处理器。用法
- The coprocessor enhances the computational capabilities of the main processor. (协处理器提高了主处理器的计算能力。) - The coprocessor is responsible for handling complex mathematical operations. (协处理器负责处理复杂的数学运算。) - The system includes a coprocessor specifically designed for image processing tasks. (该系统包含一个专门用于图像处理任务的协处理器。)中英双语例句
This computer is equipped with a powerful coprocessor that speeds up data processing.
The coprocessor can perform complex computational tasks with the assistance of the main processor.
The chip integrates multiple coprocessors to provide higher performance and functionality.
The presence of auxiliary processors greatly enhances the system's parallel processing capabilities.
This specific application requires a customized secondary processor.
The design goal of the math coprocessor is to enhance the computer's floating-point arithmetic capabilities.
This new type of coprocessor can handle a large amount of sensor data.
The main function of the coprocessor is to execute algorithms specific to the field.
The system's coprocessor enables high-speed image processing.
This auxiliary processor provides faster data encryption and decryption capabilities.
The introduction of the coprocessor allows the computer to execute complex algorithms more efficiently.
In this task, data exchange and collaborative operations occur between the main processor and the auxiliary processor.
This chip has a built-in coprocessor that can be used for audio signal processing.
The role of the coprocessor is to alleviate the burden on the main processor and improve overall performance.
The coprocessor of this computer performs exceptionally well and is suitable for scientific computing.
The introduction of the coprocessor enhances the system's ability to handle image and video processing.
The use of the auxiliary processor enables the system to process large-scale data in real-time.
The computer is equipped with a coprocessor specifically designed for machine learning tasks.
The design of the coprocessor allows the system to handle complex algorithms more efficiently.
The fast computational capabilities of the coprocessor accelerate the image recognition process.
This new type of coprocessor adopts an advanced parallel computing architecture.