- checksumming:检验和的。
- checksums:检验和。
- 校验和:根据数据计算出的值,用于验证数据的完整性。
- checksum:用于验证数据的完整性,通常用于错误检测。
- hash值:将数据映射为固定长度的字符串,主要用于数据的快速查找和加密算法。
- 校验码:一种用于检查数据传输或存储中出现错误的方法,常用于纠错。
- checksumming algorithm:检验和算法。
- calculate the checksum:计算校验和。
- verify the checksum:验证校验和。
- checksum value:检验和值。
- checksum error:校验和错误。
- check digit:校验位。
- parity bit:奇偶校验位。
- error detection code:错误检测码。
- cyclic redundancy check (CRC):循环冗余校验。
A checksum is a number that is obtained from a series of numbers and letters and can be used to check that the information is correct.
A checksum is a digit representing the sum of the correct digits in a piece of stored or transmitted digital data, against which later comparisons can be made to detect errors in the data.
Checksums are widely used in computer science and data communications to ensure data integrity. They are often used to verify the accuracy of downloaded files or detect errors in data transmission.
- The network protocol incorporates a checksum to verify the integrity of the data. (该网络协议包含一个校验和,用于验证数据的完整性。)
- Please calculate the checksum for this file. (请计算这个文件的校验和。)
- The checksum value does not match the expected value, indicating a data error. (校验和值与预期值不符,表示存在数据错误。)
- Be sure to verify the checksum before installing the software. (安装软件前务必验证校验和。)
- The checksum algorithm used by the system is highly efficient. (系统使用的校验和算法非常高效。)
- When downloading files from the internet, it is recommended to verify the checksum to ensure file integrity. (从互联网下载文件时,建议验证校验和以确保文件完整性。)
- The checksum error suggests that the data may have been corrupted during transmission. (校验和错误表明数据在传输过程中可能已经损坏。)
- The file's checksum indicates that it has not been tampered with. (该文件的校验和表明它没有被篡改。)
- Before opening the email attachment, make sure to check the checksum for security reasons. (出于安全考虑,在打开电子邮件附件之前,请务必检查校验和。)
- The checksum is used to detect errors in the data stream. (校验和用于检测数据流中的错误。)
- After the file transfer is complete, the receiving end will verify the checksum. (文件传输完成后,接收端将验证校验和。)
- By comparing the checksum of the original file with the downloaded file, you can ensure the file's integrity. (通过比较原始文件的校验和和下载文件的校验和,可以确保文件的完整性。)
- The program generates a checksum for each data packet sent over the network. (该程序为发送到网络上的每个数据包生成一个校验和。)
- It is crucial to perform a checksum calculation to ensure the accuracy of the data. (进行校验和计算以确保数据的准确性非常重要。)
- The checksum algorithm is designed to provide a reliable method for error detection. (校验和算法旨在提供一种可靠的错误检测方法。)
- You can use the checksum value to verify the integrity of the downloaded file. (您可以使用校验和值来验证下载文件的完整性。)
- For data transmission, the checksum is calculated at the sender's end and verified at the receiver's end. (在数据传输中,校验和是在发送端计算并在接收端验证的。)
- Make sure the checksum matches the expected value before proceeding with the installation. (在进行安装之前,请确保校验和与预期值匹配。)
- When performing a checksum calculation, the algorithm takes into account every byte of the data. (在进行校验和计算时,算法会考虑到数据的每个字节。)
- The checksum value is stored alongside the data for later verification. (校验和值与数据一起存储以供后续验证。)
- The checksum function can quickly detect errors in the data transmission. (校验和函数可以快速检测数据传输中的错误。)