中英词典:intergrated circuit
intergrated circuit (adj.) - 集成电路的
intergrated circuit (n.) - 集成电路
intergrated circuit (noun) - A complex circuit in which all or some of the circuit elements are inseparably associated and electrically interconnected so that it is considered to be indivisible for the purposes of construction and commerce.
intergrated circuit (noun) - A complete electronic circuit on a small chip of semiconductor material, usually silicon.
- The intergrated circuit has revolutionized the field of electronics. - 集成电路已经改变了电子领域。
- This device contains a microprocessor and several intergrated circuits. - 这个设备包含一个微处理器和几个集成电路。
- Intergrated circuits are widely used in modern technology. - 集成电路在现代技术中被广泛使用。
- The intergrated circuit is a key component of computers and other electronic devices. - 集成电路是计算机和其他电子设备的关键组件。
- He specializes in designing intergrated circuits. - 他专门设计集成电路。
- With the development of intergrated circuits, electronic devices have become smaller and more powerful. - 随着集成电路的发展,电子设备变得更小、更强大。
- The intergrated circuit industry is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years. - 预计未来几年集成电路行业将迅速增长。
- This intergrated circuit is specifically designed for automotive applications. - 这个集成电路是专门为汽车应用设计的。
- Modern smartphones rely heavily on intergrated circuits for their functionality. - 现代智能手机在功能上严重依赖集成电路。
- Intergrated circuits have greatly increased the efficiency of electronic devices. - 集成电路大大提高了电子设备的效率。
- Researchers are constantly working on developing smaller and more advanced intergrated circuits. - 研究人员不断努力开发更小、更先进的集成电路。
- The intergrated circuit is a fundamental building block of modern electronics. - 集成电路是现代电子技术的基本构件。
- Intergrated circuits have revolutionized the field of telecommunications. - 集成电路已经改变了电信领域。
- The intergrated circuit allows for the miniaturization of electronic devices. - 集成电路使电子设备的微型化成为可能。
- Intergrated circuits are used in a wide range of applications, from consumer electronics to industrial machinery. - 集成电路被广泛应用于从消费电子到工业机械的各种领域。
- This intergrated circuit is specifically designed for high-performance computing. - 这个集成电路是专门为高性能计算设计的。
- Intergrated circuits have made electronic devices more affordable and accessible. - 集成电路使电子设备更加经济实惠和易于获得。
- Engineers are constantly striving to improve the performance and efficiency of intergrated circuits. - 工程师们不断努力提高集成电路的性能和效率。
- Intergrated circuits have revolutionized the automotive industry by enabling the development of advanced vehicle systems. - 集成电路通过实现先进的车辆系统开发,改变了汽车行业。
- The intergrated circuit is a fundamental component of modern electronic devices. - 集成电路是现代电子设备的基本组成部分。