1. 高海的(of or relating to the high seas)
- They sailed on the high seas for several weeks.(他们在高海上航行了几个星期。)
- Highsea fishing is a dangerous occupation.(高海渔业是一项危险的职业。)
1. 高海(the high seas)
指国家管辖范围之外的海域,也称为公海(the open sea)。
- The ship was lost at sea in the high seas.(那艘船在高海上失踪了。)
- Piracy is a common issue on the high seas.(在高海上,海盗是一个常见的问题。)
高海(highsea) vs. 公海(the open sea)
1. 公海(the open sea):指国家管辖范围之外的海域。
2. 远洋(high-sea):指远离陆地的海域。
高海(highsea) vs. 远洋(high-sea)
高海(highsea) vs. 内海(inland sea)
high sea
- noun
- the open sea, esp when regarded as a place of adventure
- the uncontrolled sea outside territorial waters
- adjective
- of, relating to, or conducted on the high seas
high sea
- noun
- the open sea; the part of the sea that is not within the territorial waters of any country
- The ship sailed into the high seas.(船只驶入了高海。)
- Fishing in the highsea requires a special license.(在高海渔业需要特殊许可证。)
- They explored the high seas in search of new lands.(他们探索高海以寻找新的土地。)
- Piracy is a major concern on the high seas.(在高海上海盗活动是一个主要问题。)
- The shipwreck was found in the middle of the high seas.(这艘沉船在高海中央被发现。)
- International laws govern activities on the high seas.(国际法规管辖高海上的活动。)
- The fishermen braved the rough waters of the high seas.(渔民们勇敢地在高海的汹涌海水中作业。)
- They set sail for the high seas in search of adventure.(他们启航前往高海,寻找冒险。)
- Shipping companies often transport goods on the high seas.(航运公司经常在高海上运输货物。)
- The yacht cruised through the high seas, enjoying the view.(游艇在高海上航行,欣赏风景。)
- The sailors faced many challenges on the high seas.(水手们在高海上面临许多挑战。)
- Illegal fishing is a problem on the high seas.(非法捕鱼是高海上的一个问题。)
- They crossed the high seas to reach their destination.(他们横渡高海以到达目的地。)
- The ship was attacked by pirates on the high seas.(船只在高海上遭到海盗袭击。)
- The high seas are a vast and mysterious place.(高海是一个广阔而神秘的地方。)
- Ships from different countries can meet on the high seas.(来自不同国家的船只可以在高海上相遇。)
- The crew prepared for a long journey on the high seas.(船员们为在高海上进行的长途航行做准备。)
- Adventurers set out to explore the high seas.(冒险家们出发探索高海。)
- The ship encountered a storm while crossing the high seas.(船只在横渡高海时遇到了暴风雨。)
- Marine life thrives in the rich waters of the high seas.(海洋生物在高海的丰富水域中生机勃勃。)
- They spotted a pod of dolphins in the high seas.(他们在高海上发现了一群海豚。)