- 个体化(指个体在心理上和社会上的独立发展)
- 个体化过程
- 个体化理论(由瑞士心理学家荣格提出的关于个体心理发展的理论)
individuation process(个体化过程)
individuation theory(个体化理论)
individuation (noun)
1. the act or process of individuating
2. (in Jungian psychology) the process by which the wholeness of the individual is established through the integration of conscious and unconscious elements, involving the collective unconscious as well as the individual's awareness of the external world
3. the determination of the individual or particular nature of a person or thing
individuation (noun)
1. the process of individuating or the state of being individuated
2. the process by which a person's personality integrates the conscious and unconscious elements of the psyche
His journey of individuation led him to discover his true self.
Her individuation process was marked by a strong sense of self-awareness.
The individuation theory proposed by Jung has had a significant impact on psychology.
Individuation and self-actualization are closely related concepts.
- The individuation of each member within the group is essential for its success.(团队中每个成员的个体化对于其成功至关重要。)
- During adolescence, individuation becomes a central task for young people.(在青少年时期,个体化成为年轻人的一项核心任务。)
- Her individuation process involved exploring her own values and beliefs.(她个体化的过程包括探索自己的价值观和信念。)
- The therapist guided him through the process of individuation.(治疗师引导他进行个体化的过程。)
- Individuation is a lifelong journey of self-discovery and self-realization.(个体化是一段终生的自我发现和自我实现的旅程。)
- Individuation requires embracing one's uniqueness and accepting oneself as an individual.(个体化需要接纳自己的独特性,接受自己作为一个个体。)
- Her individuation from her family was a necessary step for her personal growth.(她与家庭的个体化是她个人成长的必要步骤。)
- The individuation theory emphasizes the importance of integrating both conscious and unconscious aspects of the self.(个体化理论强调整合自我意识和无意识两个方面的重要性。)
- Individuation is a process of becoming more aware of one's own desires, motivations, and values.(个体化是一个更加意识到自己的欲望、动机和价值观的过程。)
- His individuation journey led him to question societal norms and expectations.(他的个体化之旅使他质疑社会规范和期望。)
- Individuation is a necessary process for establishing a strong sense of self.(个体化是建立强大的自我意识所必需的过程。)
- Individuation involves finding one's own path and purpose in life.(个体化涉及找到自己在生活中的道路和目标。)
- Her individuation process was supported by a network of close friends and mentors.(她个体化的过程得到了一群亲密的朋友和导师的支持。)
- Individuation requires introspection and self-reflection.(个体化需要内省和自我反思。)
- His individuation was hindered by societal pressures to conform.(社会压力使他的个体化受阻。)
- Individuation is a complex and multifaceted process.(个体化是一个复杂而多方面的过程。)
- The individuation of each employee is valued in this organization.(该组织重视每个员工的个体化。)
- Individuation is not about becoming selfish, but about honoring one's true self.(个体化不是变得自私,而是尊重自己真正的自我。)
- Her journey of individuation led her to pursue a career aligned with her passions.(她的个体化之旅使她追求了与她的热情相符的职业。)
- Individuation involves breaking free from societal expectations and finding one's own identity.(个体化涉及摆脱社会期望,找到自己的身份。)