1. liberalization /ˌlɪbərəlaɪˈzeɪʃən/ - 自由化的,开放化的 2. liberalized /ˈlɪbərəlaɪzd/ - 自由化的,开放化的名词(Noun)
1. liberalization /ˌlɪbərəlaɪˈzeɪʃən/ - 自由化,开放化 2. liberalizing /ˈlɪbərəlaɪzɪŋ/ - 自由化,开放化词语辨析
- 自由化经济(liberalized economy) - 自由化贸易(liberalized trade) - 自由化措施(liberalization measures) - 自由化改革(liberalization reforms)近义词(Synonyms)
- deregulation - openness - relaxation反义词(Antonyms)
- regulation - restriction - control柯林斯词典解释
liberalization noun - The liberalization of something such as an industry or economy is the act or process of making it less controlled by the government and more open to competition. - 例如:"the liberalization of trade"牛津词典解释
liberalization noun - The removal or loosening of restrictions on something, typically an economic or political system. - 例如:"the liberalization of trade"用法
- The government implemented a series of liberalization measures to attract foreign investment. 政府实施了一系列自由化措施以吸引外国投资。 - The liberalization of the telecommunications industry led to increased competition and lower prices for consumers. 电信业的自由化导致了消费者的竞争增加和价格下降。 - Many countries have embraced the process of liberalization to stimulate economic growth and development. 许多国家都采纳了自由化的过程以促进经济增长和发展。相关例句
- The liberalization of trade has opened up new opportunities for businesses. (贸易自由化为企业开辟了新的机遇。)
- Liberalization policies aim to promote economic growth. (自由化政策旨在促进经济增长。)
- Financial liberalization has led to increased foreign investment. (金融自由化导致了外国投资的增加。)
- The government is planning to implement further liberalization measures. (政府计划实施进一步的自由化措施。)
- Liberalization of the energy sector has resulted in lower prices for consumers. (能源行业的自由化导致了消费者价格的下降。)
- The liberalization of the media industry has led to greater diversity in news coverage. (媒体行业的自由化导致了新闻报道的更大多样性。)
- Liberalization policies have sparked a debate about the role of government in the economy. (自由化政策引发了对政府在经济中的角色的辩论。)
- Trade liberalization has resulted in increased competition among domestic and foreign companies. (贸易自由化导致了国内外企业之间的竞争加剧。)
- Liberalization of the airline industry has led to more flights and lower fares. (航空业的自由化导致了更多的航班和更低的票价。)
- The liberalization of the financial sector has attracted foreign investors. (金融业的自由化吸引了外国投资者。)
- The government is considering the liberalization of regulations in the healthcare industry. (政府正在考虑放宽对医疗行业的管制。)
- The liberalization of the market has created new opportunities for small businesses. (市场的自由化为小企业创造了新的机遇。)
- Liberalization measures have been implemented to stimulate economic growth. (自由化措施已经被实施以促进经济增长。)
- The liberalization of the education sector has resulted in the establishment of private schools. (教育部门的自由化导致了私立学校的建立。)
- Liberalization policies have been successful in attracting foreign direct investment. (自由化政策在吸引外国直接投资方面取得了成功。)
- The liberalization of the telecommunications industry has improved access to communication services. (电信业的自由化提高了通信服务的获取。)
- Liberalization reforms have been introduced to increase efficiency in the public sector. (自由化改革已经被引入以提高公共部门的效率。)
- The liberalization of the energy market has led to greater competition among energy providers. (能源市场的自由化导致了能源供应商之间的更大竞争。)
- Liberalization measures have been implemented to reduce barriers to trade. (自由化措施已经被实施以减少贸易壁垒。)
- The liberalization of the financial sector has resulted in increased access to credit for individuals and businesses. (金融业的自由化导致了个人和企业获得信贷的机会增加。)