1. 盗贼;偷窃犯- Definition: a person who commits theft or steals something
- Synonyms: thief, robber, burglar, pilferer
- Antonyms: honest person, law-abiding citizen
steal (动词) - 偷窃;窃取
stolen (形容词) - 被偷窃的
stealth (名词) - 秘密行动;隐秘
1. 吸引人的;迷人的- Definition: attractive or captivating
- Synonyms: captivating, enchanting, alluring, charming
- Antonyms: unattractive, repulsive, unappealing
stealer vs. attractive: "stealer" emphasizes a stronger level of attraction or charm.
例:She was a stealer of hearts with her mesmerizing smile.
stealer (名词)
1. a person who steals
2. a person who is irresistibly attractive or appealing
stealer (名词)
1. a person who steals something
2. an attractive person or thing that attracts attention or admiration
1. The police caught the stealer red-handed.
2. The actress was known as a heart stealer due to her beauty.
3. The painting was stolen by a notorious art stealer.
4. The stealer's identity was revealed after a thorough investigation.
- The notorious jewelry stealer was finally apprehended by the police. (那个臭名昭著的珠宝窃贼最终被警方逮捕了。)
- The charming smile of the young girl was a real heart stealer. (那个年轻女孩迷人的微笑真的会使人心动。)
- He was accused of being a car stealer and sentenced to five years in prison. (他被指控是一名汽车盗贼,并被判入狱五年。)
- The art gallery was hit by a skilled art stealer who stole several valuable paintings. (艺术画廊遭到了一位技艺高超的艺术窃贼的袭击,几幅珍贵的画作被盗。)
- The little girl took pride in being a cookie stealer. (那个小女孩为自己是一个饼干小偷而感到自豪。)
- He was rumored to be a heart stealer with his charismatic personality. (有传言说他凭借他迷人的个性成为了情场高手。)
- The police are on the lookout for the diamond stealer who has been operating in the area. (警方正在密切关注在该地区活动的钻石盗窃犯。)
- The detective carefully analyzed the crime scene to identify the stealer. (侦探仔细分析了犯罪现场以确定盗窃者的身份。)
- She was a heart stealer with her stunning looks and charming personality. (凭借她迷人的外貌和迷人的个性,她吸引了无数的追求者。)
- The notorious art stealer was finally captured after years of eluding the authorities. (那个臭名昭著的艺术窃贼在多年逃避当局后终于被抓获。)
- He was considered the stealer of dreams for his ability to crush people's hopes. (由于他能够粉碎人们的希望,他被认为是希望的窃贼。)
- The movie was a heart stealer, captivating audiences with its beautiful cinematography and compelling storyline. (这部电影非常迷人,以其精美的摄影和引人入胜的故事情节吸引了观众。)
- The famous cat burglar was known as the ultimate stealer, having successfully stolen from high-security mansions. (这位著名的猫贼被誉为终极窃贼,成功地从高度安全的豪宅中偷走了物品。)
- She was accused of being a stealer of joy, always finding a way to ruin happy occasions. (她被指责是快乐的窃贼,总是找到方法来破坏愉快的场合。)
- The police were determined to catch the car stealer who had been causing havoc in the city. (警方决心抓住在城市中制造混乱的汽车窃贼。)
- The young artist's work was a real eye stealer, attracting attention with its unique style. (这位年轻艺术家的作品真的很吸引人,以其独特的风格吸引了人们的注意。)
- The identity of the diamond necklace stealer was finally uncovered after an extensive investigation. (经过一番深入调查,钻石项链窃贼的身份终于被揭示。)
- She was known as a stealer of hearts, breaking many hearts with her flirtatious behavior. (她以夺心窃贼而闻名,以她轻浮的行为伤害了许多人的心。)
- The detective was determined to catch the art stealer who had been targeting famous paintings. (这位侦探决心抓住一直盯上名画的艺术窃贼。)
- He had a reputation as a joy stealer, always finding a way to dampen the mood. (他以夺走快乐而闻名,总是找到方法来打击情绪。)