persuasive - 形容词
- 有说服力的,能够使人信服的
- 令人动心的,引人注目的
- persuasively - 以有说服力地
- persuasiveness - 说服力,动人性
convincing, compelling, effective, cogent, influential
unconvincing, unpersuasive, ineffective, weak
persuasive (adjective)
If you describe a person or their manner as persuasive, you mean that they are good at persuading people to do or believe something.
persuasive (adjective)
Good at persuading someone to do or believe something through reasoning or the use of temptation.
- She gave a persuasive argument in favor of the new policy. (她提出了一个支持新政策的有说服力的论点。)
- The speaker's persuasive tone captured the audience's attention. (演讲者有说服力的语调引起了观众的注意。)
- He is known for his persuasive skills in negotiations. (他以在谈判中的说服能力而闻名。)
- The advertising campaign used persuasive techniques to convince consumers to buy their product. (广告活动采用了有说服力的技巧,以说服消费者购买他们的产品。)
- The lawyer presented a persuasive case to the jury. (律师向陪审团提出了一个有说服力的案件。)
- His persuasive personality made him a successful salesman. (他有说服力的个性使他成为一个成功的销售员。)
- The teacher used persuasive arguments to encourage the students to participate in the project. (老师用有说服力的论点鼓励学生参与这个项目。)
- The politician delivered a persuasive speech that convinced many voters. (政治家发表了一篇有说服力的演讲,说服了许多选民。)
- The persuasive advertising campaign increased the company's sales. (有说服力的广告活动提高了公司的销售额。)
- I find his arguments very persuasive. (我觉得他的论点很有说服力。)
- She has a persuasive way of speaking that captivates her audience. (她有一种有说服力的说话方式,能够吸引她的观众。)
- He used his persuasive powers to convince the committee to approve his proposal. (他用自己的说服力说服委员会批准他的提案。)
- The teacher's persuasive manner encouraged the students to work harder. (老师有说服力的态度鼓励学生更加努力。)
- The salesperson used persuasive language to convince the customer to make a purchase. (销售员用有说服力的语言说服顾客购买产品。)
- Her persuasive personality made her a successful leader. (她有说服力的个性使她成为一个成功的领导者。)
- He made a persuasive argument for the need to protect the environment. (他提出了保护环境的必要性的有说服力的论点。)
- They used persuasive techniques to win over the skeptical audience. (他们用有说服力的技巧赢得了怀疑的观众。)
- The politician's persuasive campaign promises helped him win the election. (政治家有说服力的竞选承诺帮助他赢得了选举。)
- The persuasive advertisement convinced many people to try the new product. (有说服力的广告说服了许多人尝试这个新产品。)
- The lawyer used persuasive language to sway the jury in his favor. (律师用有说服力的语言来影响陪审团对他有利。)