1. 模仿,仿效
柯林斯词典:the act of emulating or imitating someone or something successful
牛津词典:the effort to match or surpass a person or achievement, typically by imitation
2. (计算机)仿真
柯林斯词典:the technique of using a computer program that duplicates the features of another program or system
牛津词典:the technique of imitating the behavior of a different computer system, typically for the purpose of running software applications intended for the imitated system
- His success became an emulation for others to follow. 他的成功成为了其他人仿效的榜样。
- Many artists seek emulation from the works of the masters. 许多艺术家从大师作品中寻求模仿。
- The young singer's style is an emulation of her idol's. 这位年轻歌手的风格是她偶像的仿效。
- The video game emulator allows you to play classic games on your computer. 这个电子游戏模拟器可以让你在电脑上玩经典游戏。
- They are developing an emulation software for running legacy programs on modern computers. 他们正在开发一款能在现代计算机上运行旧程序的仿真软件。
- The flight simulator provides a realistic emulation of flying an aircraft. 这个飞行模拟器提供了逼真的飞机驾驶仿真体验。
- The emulative nature of the competition pushed each athlete to give their best performance. 竞争的模仿性质促使每个运动员发挥出了最好的表现。
- He has an emulative spirit and always strives to achieve more. 他有一种追求卓越的精神,总是努力取得更多成就。
- The company's success was due to its emulation of industry leaders. 公司的成功要归功于它对行业领军者的模仿。
- The emulation of their competitors' marketing strategy helped them gain market share. 他们模仿竞争对手的营销策略帮助他们获得了市场份额。
- The emulation of vintage synthesizers in modern music production is quite common. 在现代音乐制作中,对复古合成器的仿真非常普遍。
- The emulator allows you to run Android apps on your computer. 这个模拟器可以让你在电脑上运行安卓应用程序。
- He used an emulator to play retro video games on his smartphone. 他使用一个模拟器在智能手机上玩复古视频游戏。
- The flight simulator provides an accurate emulation of real flying conditions. 飞行模拟器提供了真实飞行条件的准确模拟。
- The emulator helped the programmers test their software on different devices. 这个仿真器帮助程序员在不同设备上测试他们的软件。
- Her performance in the play was an emulation of the original actress. 她在剧中的表演是对原演员的模仿。
- Children often engage in emulation of their favorite superheroes. 孩子们经常模仿他们最喜欢的超级英雄。
- His emulative behavior earned him praise from his peers. 他的模仿行为赢得了同龄人的赞赏。
- They decided to create an emulation of the famous painting using different materials. 他们决定使用不同的材料创作一幅名画的仿制品。
- The project aims to develop an emulation of human intelligence in machines. 这个项目旨在开发出机器中人类智能的仿真。