《柯林斯词典》(Collins Dictionary)对dysfunction的解释:
《牛津词典》(Oxford Dictionary)对dysfunction的解释:
- Her dysfunctional family background affected her ability to form healthy relationships.(她家庭背景中的不正常关系影响了她建立健康关系的能力。)
- The company is experiencing dysfunction in its communication channels.(公司的沟通渠道存在机能失调。)
- The therapist helps patients identify and overcome their dysfunctional patterns of thinking.(治疗师帮助患者识别和克服他们思维上的不正常模式。)
- They seek therapy to address the dysfunction in their marriage.(他们寻求治疗来解决他们婚姻中的失调。)
- Drug abuse often stems from underlying dysfunction in a person's life.(药物滥用往往源于一个人生活中的潜在失调。)
- The dysfunction in the team's leadership led to poor performance.(团队领导的失调导致了糟糕的绩效。)
- Children growing up in dysfunctional families may struggle with emotional and behavioral problems.(在不正常家庭中长大的孩子可能会面临情绪和行为问题。)
- The dysfunction within the organization was evident in its inability to meet deadlines.(组织内部的失调在未能按时完成工作上表露无遗。)
- Therapy can help individuals overcome dysfunction and lead more fulfilling lives.(治疗可以帮助个人克服失调,过上更充实的生活。)
- Addressing the dysfunction in the education system requires systemic changes.(解决教育系统中的机能失调需要系统性的改变。)
- The dysfunction between the two departments resulted in poor collaboration.(两个部门之间的失调导致了合作的糟糕。)
- The dysfunctional behavior of the student disrupted the classroom environment.(学生的不正常行为破坏了课堂环境。)
- The therapist helped the couple identify the sources of dysfunction in their relationship.(治疗师帮助这对夫妇找出了他们关系中的失调源泉。)
- The organization underwent a period of dysfunction before implementing necessary changes.(该组织在实施必要的改变之前经历了一段功能失调的时期。)
- The dysfunction in the team's dynamics hindered their ability to work effectively together.(团队动力的失调阻碍了他们有效地共同工作的能力。)
- The dysfunction in his thought process affected his decision-making abilities.(他思维过程中的失调影响了他的决策能力。)
- The therapist provided strategies for managing dysfunction within the family.(治疗师提供了处理家庭内失调的策略。)
- The dysfunctional relationship between the two countries has led to ongoing conflicts.(两国之间的失调关系导致了持续的冲突。)
- Addressing the dysfunction in the healthcare system requires comprehensive reforms.(解决医疗系统中的机能失调需要全面的改革。)
- The dysfunction within the company's leadership team hindered its ability to innovate.(公司领导团队内部的失调阻碍了其创新能力。)